eleven: getaway

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The sun was beating down on her tan skin, causing her body to be sluggish as she clutched onto a t-shirt as a pillow. She was on the dock, face down with her brown locks weaved into braids. Her eyes were shut, concealing those bright cerulean orbs as the other girls beside her, also tanning. Low rumbles of boats and jet skis echoed across the spacious lake while the children played and conversed on the shoreline of the lake house.

She was half asleep when the boat arrived back at the lake house, pulling up to the dock and hooking it to it's designated spot. It wasn't until the sun was shielded by a body in front of her that she opened her eyes, looking up to meet Ryan's matching blue eyes as he crouched beside her with a beer in his hand in only swimming trunks.

She shut her eyes, smiling softly as he tilted his head to the side, gazing down at her with a tight-lipped smile of his own. "You look cute."

"I'm taking a nap."

"On my shirt." He noted. She lifted her head up, looking down to the t-shirt before shrugging and clutching back onto it.

"It's comfy." He groaned dramatically as he sat down beside her, handing her his half-drank beer. "Yum, warm beer and backwash." She teased, pushing herself into a sitting position. She adjusted her deep red bikini top, crossing her legs as she sipped the beer. He rolled his eyes, leaning back on his hands.

"Saved it just for you." He smiled and she rolled her eyes, setting the beer between her legs as Bubba clambered off the boat.

"I'm gonna refill the cooler before the others get here so y'all can take the boat, man. Need another?" Bubba asked, raising his own beer. Ryan nodded, glancing at Cadence, who smiled sweetly.


"You got it, girl." Bubba offered his fist, knuckle bumping her as Amanda got up, raising her empty glass.

"Best bartender ever," She grinned as Bubba took it with a grin as his girlfriend settled back down into her soothing tanning position.

"Emma texted me while we were on the boat." He told Cadence, who raised a brow. "She's almost here. Erin too." She pursed her lips,  eyes wandering up tot he spacious camp. She'd already met so many new faces, and was still yet to get to know Ryan's friends. Now his family too? Seemed oddly... rushed.

"Can't wait," She flashed him a smile before sipping the beer in hand. Well, taking several gulps, but who's really keeping track here? Ryan hadn't noticed as he squinted his eyes shut and leaned his head back. Cadence relaxed a little as she smiled, her eyes soaking up the tattoos on his chest, then drifted down to his thigh, where there were more. "What made you decide the tattoos?"

His attention was directed back to her and not the sun. He glanced down at the ink on his skin and shrugged a shoulder. "Thought it'd be cool, putting everything I like on my body. Why not look at it all the time?" He joked and she snickered as she leaned forward, tilting her head to look at the large Star Wars tattoo. He watched her face, smile spreading.

"They didn't hurt?"

"Some of them."

"Right--" She looked up, snapping her fingers. "You drive race cars, nothing can stop you."

"You catch on fast, don't you?" He joked, leaning forward and grasping their shared beer. She rolled her eyes playfully as she heard an engine rev behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, heart suddenly jumping into her throat. "That's Em," He nodded to her car, placing the now empty can on the dock.

"What if I just sit here, and y'know, I dunno." She shrugged, eyes wandering over the lake. "Act mute?"

"You're so adorable." He snickered.

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