thirteen: a chandelier for you

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She was laying in a pool float, sipping homemade lemonade as the harsh Arizona rays beat down on her already sunkissed skin. As summer drew out, after finally leaving the comfort of her charming home, she'd gotten the tan she always got yearly. Tinted glasses were protecting her shut eyes from the brightness as she listened to nothing but the sound of birds chirping, kids laughing in the playground up the street, and Julia cleaning up after the big party.

"I don't understand." She began, throwing yet another can into the trash bag. "You think you texted him but you... won't check?"

"I'm accepting it." Cadence waved an arm out, crossing her ankles comfortably as she moved her sunglasses up into her brown hair. "We had fun together. It was a good run, and it's over. I single-handedly ended it and that's okay. Shouldn't you be cleaning?"

"I am cleaning! You don't even remember what you texted him." Julia exclaimed, throwing the trash bag to the side.

"I'm being honest with myself." She told her best friend matter-of-factly. Julia pursed her lips and crossed her arms before turning on her heel. The girl trying to relax and recover from an excessive amount of alcohol didn't notice, and instead, she shut her eyes and inhaled calmly, exhaling slowly. Silence swarmed her, and for a moment, she was completely calm--

"--I wanted to kiss you," Julia read, snickering with a booming laugh. Her eyes snapped open, pushing herself to sit up. Her face was already red, eyes wide. "Damn, three texts saying the same thing. How thirsty of you. Go off, KK." She giggled, scrolling.

"Get off my phone!" She squealed, pushing herself off the float and onto the edge of the pool.

"Aww, he's so sweet." She pouted, looking to Cadence as she clambered up to snatch her phone away from her best friend. She glared at the blonde before directing her gaze to the screen. With a racing heart and an unfortunately clear mind, she read the words several times over.

And again, and again.

She read them over until they made no sense.

i wntted to kisss u o teh boat

i wanted to kiss uoiu rggt now

hjee ksissed me n it shoulve been u, i ddnnnt want hyim to koss mee

Ryan Blaneyyyy
well good morning, ur so freaking adorable, lanalee

Ryan Blaneyyyy
lemme come over again, i'll bring sturgill... we'll call it a date and ill beat up whoever kissed you

Ryan Blaneyyyy
we'll call it whatever you want, i miss you

Ryan Blaneyyyy
take care of urself today, i look forward to a ft call tonight. and i wont take no as an answer :)

Cradling her phone as if it were an infant, she plopped down on one of her lawn chairs with a frown and bright red cheeks. Julia laughed gently, moving to sit across from her friend with her bottom lip caught between her teeth. "So, when's--"

"If you say wedding, I'll push you into the water." Her best friend warned, groaning loudly.. "I have to answer now!"

"Yeah, sorta. And I'd be quick, it says you've read the message what, five minutes ago already? You're already whipped and he knows it."

"What do I say?" Julia hopped up on her feet and shrugged, smirking.

"I have to clean."

"You're an awful best friend. Absolutely suckish." Cadence whined, leaning all the way back in the lawn chair with her eyes glued to the screen. Julia grinned wide, whistling an annoying tune just to tease her friend. After a moment, her thumbs shot across the screen in a single text rather than them spread out like he sent.

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