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This was based off of the above tweet that I saw on Tik Tok earlier today. In that tweet, it was insinuated that Barron Trump is, in fact, one of the ANTIFA armored soldiers known affectionately as "Tank." As an avid Tik Tok user, I have a deep internal fondness for such ridiculous claims and a passion for terribly written fan fiction (my favorite remains a Papa John x Reader my friend and I read together last year). Therefore, I combined the two to bring you this monstrosity: a Barron Trump x Reader. 

To preface this: I do not find Barron personally attractive, given that he is literally a child. I do not, in any way, support or mean to glamorize the Trump family. I also do not mean to offend or paint the BLM movement in a humorous light. Personally, I am a massive supporter of the movement and am thrilled to finally see it take off in such an incredible, revolutionary way. Please do not take this satirical piece the wrong way.

I do not know if I will finish this. I probably will, considering I have nothing else going on this summer. Let me know if you want it finished; I know there are some die-hard Barron stans out there.

Lastly, I promise you that I am not insane! I just find stuff like this hilarious. Enjoy! :))

THE BOY UNDER THE MASK: Barron Trump x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now