Chapter Nine: It's Dinner Time!

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"Hello," President Trump greeted you, his smile barely reaching his butthole eyes. He extended his hand to you. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you." You returned his handshake, a sweat breaking out across your brow.

God, he's even oranger up close.

You continued around the dining room, exchanging greetings with Melania and the rest of the Trump family. As you were escorted to your seat beside Barron, you couldn't help but feel jittery. The presence that his family had was almost oppressive; their glances and nuanced words felt scrutinizing. You were like a bug under a microscope, desperate to escape the constant surveillance. You couldn't wait for the night to be over.

How does Barron do this on a daily basis?

Though Barron had originally told you his father was hosting the dinner to meet you, you were glad to find that wasn't exactly the case. Though you'd answered a slew of questions initially, you were pleased to find that the President simply turned the meal into his personal talkshow. Turning your attention away from the President's ramblings, you dug happily into your food.

You were about halfway done with your steak when you felt Barron nudge you at your side. You glanced over at him inconspicuously, giving him a nod. You turned in your seat to face Melania, who sat adjacent to you.

"Mrs. Trump, would it be alright if I go to the bathroom?" You asked, putting on your fakest smile. Her heavily lined eyes examined you for a moment before she simply nodded.

"It's just down the hall on the left." She answered, returning your superficial grin. You unceremoniously left the room, closing the massive white doors behind you. You let out a deep breath, mentally running over Barron's instructions one last time. Walking down the halls, you finally managed to locate the President's suite, slowly opening one of the massive double doors.

The room was quiet and eerie, its interior seeming too clean to be true. Making your way over to Trump's desk, you began to feel around for any sort of hidden lever. Running your hands underneath the desktop, you found a button and pushed it with your fingertip. A small compartment to your left opened correspondingly, revealing a small flash drive. Retrieving it, you carefully placed it into your pocket and left the room as you'd found it. Unbeknownst to you, the displacement of the flash drive had set off an alarm that alerted the President.

As you walked back to the dining room, you heard the sounds of footsteps grow closer. Panicking, you hid yourself in an alcove in the wall, attempting to hide from the oncoming passerby.

"That little rat," A voice came. It took you a moment to recognize it. "This whole thing was a set-up; the flash drive has been stolen. I want you to lock down the White House immediately and throw Barron into the bunker. We need to interrogate him later." Your eyes grew wide at the President's words.

They found us out? 

All you knew was that you needed to get out of there, and you needed to do so now. Without hesitation, you pulled the transmitter Riot had given you out of your pocket. You punched the button, praying to god that ANTIFA would get the distress signal. You pressed yourself out of the alcove, traveling down a hallway opposite the one the President had passed through. You had been running for only a few minutes when you slammed into something, falling onto the ground.

"What is going on?" The person you'd just hit questioned, extending his hand out to you. "I was just was dispatched to help extract you and Mr. Barron-- we received the distress signal." You gasped at the face in front of you.




++ also have an idea of how I'm going to wrap this up, so that's exciting!

THE BOY UNDER THE MASK: Barron Trump x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now