Chapter Ten: Ding Dong! Must Be That Whip That I Ordered

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"I prefer Senator Sanders," The older man responded as he helped pull you onto your feet. "Now, given that Mr. Barron is not with you, am I to assume that he has been compromised?"

"I think so. I overheard the President mentioning that he wanted him thrown into "The Bunker," potentially for questioning."

"I see. Well, our top priority as of now is that flash drive," Bernie answered, motioning for you to give the said object to him. You reached into your pocket and placed it into his hands. "This is our key to finally putting that orange snake behind bars. We just need to get it out of here." You nodded, following Bernie's lead as he began to run down the hallways. You ran after him closely, surprised at how speedy he was considering his older age. He stopped suddenly, causing you to slam into him yet again.

"Why'd we stop?" You asked, panting from your exertion.

"There's a secret tunnel here," Bernie replied, knocking on the seemingly insignificant wall panel. "This is our ticket out."

"Password?" A voice on the other side of the wall demanded.

"Xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao." Bernie returned in perfect Chinese. At his words, the panel swung open, only to reveal none other than former President Barack Obama.

"Senator Sanders, Ms. y/n, please follow me. Time is of the essence!" Obama said as he grasped your hand, pulling you inside of the tunnel. He led you and Bernie through the catacombs, navigating them expertly.

"How did you know this was here?" You asked the former President, wonder in your voice.

"When you have to live in this nasty house for eight years, you find out a lot of things about it." Obama laughed. "This isn't the weirdest thing in here, either." You decided not to pry and find out what other surprises the White House had, figuring you'd had enough adventure for today. Eventually, you all reached a door to the outside.

"Now we must hurry," Bernie began with urgency in his voice. "The faster we can get this flash drive to the F.B.I., the faster we can get back here and save Barron."


"Son, I am incredibly disappointed in you. Not only did you and that tacky girlfriend of yours decide to steal one of my most prized possessions, but you also hid this from me--" Trump snarled as he threw Barron's riot armor onto the ground. Barron's eyes widened in shock.

"Dad, please, this isn't mine! I would never betray you like this!" Barron pleaded, his hands straining against the shackles he had been put in.

"Am I genuinely to believe that this gear, hung up in your closet, doesn't belong to you?" Trump roared, slapping Barron sharply across the face. "I may be an idiot, but I am not stupid!" Barron held back tears, his soft cheeks stinging from the impact.

"Do you have anything else you want to tell me? Any other treasonous acts you'd like to elaborate on?" Trump continued, pacing the inside of the cell. "Or do you just want to stay quiet like the little weasel you are?" Barron kept his mouth shut, not wanting to reveal anything more about ANTIFA or its operations.

"Fine." Trump spat, leaving the room. He turned to the guard of the cell as he left. "I want you to teach Barron a good lesson. Play Cardi B for the next six hours. Maybe then he'll decide to talk."

Barron struggled to muffle a scream. The next six hours would prove to be the most torturous of his life.


if u caught the atla reference ily ❤️

THE BOY UNDER THE MASK: Barron Trump x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now