Chapter Eleven: Barron Goes Sicko Mode

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 After you and Bernie handed off the flash drive to ANTIFA, Riot had given you a ride home.

"Since no one knows where you live, this is the safest place for you right now," Riot said calmly as he opened your door. "Stay quiet, and don't attract any attention. Order all of your food via delivery and don't leave unless myself or another ANTIFA member tells you to do so. I'll keep you updated on how we're going to save Barron."

You climbed the steps to your apartment quickly, constantly looking over your shoulder. Until the President was arrested, your actions had made you an enemy of the government. Unlocking your door, you slipped inside, making sure to secure your deadbolt. For the rest of the evening, you set about cleaning your apartment, trying to distract yourself from the fact that you'd left Barron in his father's evil clutches. You felt as though until Barron was safe, you didn't deserve to rest. Paranoia and fear gripped your heart as you imagined the torture he was surely being subjected to.


"I understand six hours of Cardi B was not enough to break you," President Trump began, sliding open the door to Barron's cell. "But not to worry, my boy. We have plenty of alternative methods." With that, he snapped his fat, orange fingers, summoning one of the guards. Once he approached, the guard handed the President a laptop coated in various ahegao stickers.

"I was quite surprised to find you had a secret laptop, given the strict "no electronics" contract I made you sign," Trump continued, opening the device. "But, even more surprising was the Roblox account you had! So much Robux on it, too. I'm sure you'd hate to see that go, right?"

"I don't care." Barron fibbed, clenching his teeth. "It's a welcome price to pay for ridding the American people of a monster like you!" His father merely laughed, pressing buttons on the keyboard maniacally. Barron could only watch on in horror as his decade-old account was deleted, and his profusion of Robux with it. He felt a part of him die inside.

"I'm sure there is something you care about though, right? What about your Crunchyroll Premium?"

"No!" Barron cried, arms straining against his shackles.

"Oh! So you like this account, then? It would be such a shame if I deactivated it-" Before his father could continue, Barron broke free of his restraints, attacking his father. He managed to get a few good hits in before Trump fired back, sending Barron flying into the concrete wall. Barron stood up hazily, clutching his head as he felt blood trickle down from where his father's punch had made contact. He gritted his teeth, pulling together all of the energy he had left in his 6'4" body.

"I'm never letting you touch me again," Barron began as he ran after his father. He grabbed his dad by his ridiculously thick neck, flinging him onto the ground. "And if you even try to deactivate my Crunchyroll Premium, I'll make sure to kill you myself!" With that, Barron slammed Trump's head into the floor until he was out cold.

Once he was done with his father, Barron made quick work of the guards. He ran out of the bunker like his life depended on it. He tore through the streets of D.C., his long legs carrying him to the person he trusted the most; the person he knew would protect him. The person he loved.

Barron Trump was coming for you.

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