Chapter Seven: Yuh Get Into It

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It had been a few weeks since you and Barron had made it "official." You made sure to go on dates at least bi-weekly to get good press, and it was safe to say that the media was eating it up. It had been wild and insane, and as far as put-on relationships go, it was pretty great. Barron was a gentleman with a fun side-- you often would go to dinner at an elite steakhouse only to head back to your place and play Roblox. In fact, that's probably what you were doing tonight.

Barron most certainly knew the best places to go in D.C.; he always chose gorgeous restaurants with picturesque views and even better food. Tonight's establishment was no exception. The rooftop grill sat overlooking the National Mall, and the sunset behind you illuminated Barron's face perfectly.

God, why is he so pretty?

He stirred a straw around in his sparkling water before taking a deep breath.

"We've been doing this for a while now," He began, peeling his eyes off his drink and focusing them on you. "And father wants to meet you. He told me today to invite you for dinner this Sunday at the White House."

"Oh." Was all that could come out of your mouth. You were shocked.

"You don't have to, of course. We can come up with an excuse!" He sputtered, noting your reaction. "It's just that we need this to look real. ANTIFA has an idea for how we can use this relationship to help push our plans along."

"So by going to this dinner I can help the greater goals of ANTIFA?"

"Yes. Also, you're fun to be with. I'd be honored if you'd come." His kind words made you smile.

"Okay. I'm in. There's just one problem-- I don't own anything nice enough for dinner at the White House." You muttered sheepishly.

"We can fix that."


Shortly after dinner, Barron called his personal limo and had you both escorted to the nearest luxury department store. You spent the remainder of the evening pulling various dresses off of the racks and trying them on.

"Do you think this is funny?" You cried, turning around in the mirror. Barron sat on the sofa near the dressing rooms, holding his sides in laughter.

"I mean... It's kind of funny." He choked out between laughs, taking his phone out for a photo. Though most of the dresses you'd initially tried on were pretty, Barron had gradually begun to choose terrible numbers as the night went on. Though you didn't blame him for reaching the end of his rope, you just hadn't found the right dress yet. His latest was the ugliest dress you'd ever seen; it was a brown, shapeless sack that cut off awkwardly at the knees.

"I look Amish!"

"Fine, I'll go choose a nice one this time. Just promise me this will be the last one you try on? I want to go home and watch Demon Slayer." He stated, putting an adorable pout on his face. You laughed at his candidness.

"You're such a nerd!" You retorted. "Please go find me a decent dress!" You watched as he walked off, a smile on your face and a blush on your cheeks. You held your hands up to your reddening face in an effort to cool it.

I need to stop feeling this way, You thought. This is embarrassing! I'm sure he doesn't feel the same.

You barely had enough time to gather your thoughts by the time Barron had come back. He had a blue dress slung over his arm. You didn't know much about fashion, but you could tell by the fabric that it was probably as much as your monthly rent. Wordlessly, you snatched it from him, practically running towards the dressing room stall.

You stood back in the mirror, admiring the way the dress fit you. It was perfectly shaped for your body and flattered your figure in just the right ways. Though the top was a bit more revealing than what you usually went for, you couldn't deny that it made you look pretty damn good. You stepped out of the room apprehensively, hoping Barron would approve of it like you did.

"How do I look?" You asked, drawing his attention towards you. He immediately smiled.

"You look beautiful," He answered, eyes dancing over you. "That's a lovely color on you." You blushed at his words, folding your hands over your chest protectively.

"It's a bit low-cut though, are you sure it'll be okay for dinner?" He smirked.

"I knew it was low-cut when I took it off the rack. I am just a man after all." You gasped, running back into the dressing room. When Barron came to take the dress from you to check out, you made sure to give him a swift kick from underneath the door.

"That's what you get for being a pervert!" You whispered, feeling a bit bad for kicking someone who was about to buy you the fanciest dress you'd ever had.

"Guilty as charged!" He teased back as he walked away. You sat down in the dressing room, carefully putting back on your old clothes. You genuinely couldn't tell if he was just messing with you, or if maybe, just maybe, he liked you too.

Don't be stupid, he's the President's son! There's no way he likes you back!

Even though you kept telling yourself that for the remainder of the night, Barron kept doing small actions to add fuel to the fire. It was the way he sat just a bit too close in the limo ride back to your place, or how he walked you all the way up to your apartment. It was how he hugged you goodbye at the door and sent you a text goodnight.

Maybe those thoughts aren't too stupid after all.


A/N: i literally do not proofread this i just post n go so sorry for any grammatical errors

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