Chapter 5

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...Rules? Why was she brought here just to explain a few rules?

"The reason I brought you here was to satisfy any curiosity you may have on what's on this floor. As you can see, it's strictly business related, so it's very important that you do not come up here unless accompanied by one of us."

Once again it was like her mind had been read, however Vincent's reasoning also made sense to her. Sofia had already guessed what some of the other rules may be, but thought it would be best for her oldest brother to go over them anyways.

"The other rules are quite basic, such as no drugs, alcohol or dating, though you can be friends with whoever you want as long as we approve of them. No sneaking out or going to places without informing us first. You can also wear what you want as long as it's not inappropriate. There should be no swearing or disobedience to any of your brothers, we know what's best for you and I hope you respect that."

The girl had felt slightly irked when she realised she would be expected to be respectful to Dante and Marco as well, who she wasn't very fond of, though she quickly concluded that she would just do her best to avoid them as much as she could.

"Whenever one of us are addressing you, you should give an indication that you have understood what we have said fully- a nod will do just fine."


"Finally, you'll be attending Marstons after the holidays end, it's a private school and you'll have the twins to go to if you need any help there. As a Carmine, we expect you to behave appropriately and all grades should be above a C."

Marstons? She was supposed to have her music competition there! How weird it was that she would attend that school now. For now that was the least of her concerns, she had never failed a subject before so it wouldn't be a huge change.

"Any questions?" Vincent seemed a bit impatient to end this meeting, of course, he must have more important work to deal with than her.

Still, there was something that she had to find out.

"I...I would like to continue practicing my music."

A look of understanding came across his eyes.

"Yes, I was informed about your...hobby. It's good that you're taking interest in such a productive activity. By tomorow the music room will be prepared, it's sound proof and anything you need, whether it's teachers or more instruments, just tell us, alright?"

At first Sofia was angered by his preferred term of what she called her dreams and hopes as a 'hobby'. Then again nobody here knew about her actual musical abilities, so she decided to forgive Vincent and be more appreciative instead.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, anything else?" 

"Yes...what is this family business?" Sofia had asked hesitantly, and saw nervousness come over Luca's and Remo's faces as they looked at Vincent in panic.

"Sorry, a rule I forgot to mention. No asking about the business." His tone once more became unfriendly and forbidding, it intrigued Sofia as to why the topic was not open to discuss with her. 

Luca must have noticed her shrink slightly into her seat and spoke up, "it's pretty...complicated. So in our family apart from me and Vince, everyone else was told about it fully when they turned 18, just to be on the safe side."

Remo gave her another smile, a fake one this time, "you don't need to worry about it Sof."

Just to be on the safe side? She pondered over whether they meant safe for them so she wouldn't tell anyone, or for herself. One way or another, she would find out.

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