Chapter 7

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The music room was where Sofia had mostly spent the first few days at her new home. She could never become bored from playing, it was her addiction, her life source. By Friday she had managed to compose an entire music piece on the cello, it's inspiration from a mystery book she had recently read.

It started off very dramatic and eventually mellowed and ended with a more sadder tune. Even though it was a tough piece to play, the girl worked hard to perfect it.

Unfortunately she got into her old habit of ignoring everything else and only focusing on her music. On days when almost everyone was busy she sometimes missed meals for extra practice, although every now and then she would bring a snack to eat in the music room.

Becoming used to this new life was somewhat exhausting, she had never socialised so much before, and she hadn't even started school yet! Right now she was sat on the floor by the grand piano, leaning against the wall as she thought about her brothers.

So far Sofia hadn't bonded a lot with them apart from watching a few horror movies with Rocco and talking to Luca whenever he was cooking a meal. Vincent and Remo were always busy with work and Marco and herself would try and avoid each other as much as possible. As for Dante, Sofia found that she could not hold a proper conversation with him for long before he started to tease her, which in turn made her mad.

School was also due to start in two days and frankly she wasn't looking forward to it. On top of that, she had yet to figure out what this family business is. Currently, she had deduced that it was definitely not legal, otherwise her brothers would have told her without any concern.

At first Sofia had assumed it might have been a gang since they owned a hospital, so violence was involved with their work. But then again, the fact that they actually owned and ran a mini-hospital meant the money they were making was a lot more than a typical gang would. She then came to the conclusion that they might be part of, or even the head of the Italian mafia. 

Though it's too soon to tell right now with the little information she had. Maybe she had blown this way out of proportion, who knows. All she knew was that she will find out.

As the girl continued to think, a knock came from the door. She opened it to find Rocco who told her to come for dinner. 

Making her way to the dining room, she noticed all of her brothers were already seated and looked serious and on edge. She couldn't figure out why and decided to not comment on it. The girl grimaced as she saw the food they were having tonight had broccoli in it.

How she hated broccoli. To her it was vile and disgusting, so she made sure to leave that out and tried to finish everything else.

Meanwhile brothers began conversing in Italian and she tried her best to understand what they were saying.

We're they talking about a client? She became perplexed as to how she was going to uncover this family's secrets and started making a plan to subtly bring it up, or maybe even sneak around for the truth at some point.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned to see it was Remo. Whenever they ate together Sofia found he kept trying to make small  talk to in the effort of not making her feel left out, and so she didn't think this conversation would be any different.

"So how was your day?"

"Good. I was mostly in the music room."

He hummed, "wow you're really dedicated huh?"


"Sofia I have a favour to ask of you, we need you to cooperate with us on something"

Her face showed blatant confusion and slight panic, what were they going to ask of her?

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