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"You may now take your lunch," the professor declared and so my classmates said their goodbyes to him while I immediately stood up and covered my mouth.

I saw how Sishy got alarmed and worried about how I am acting. I focused on putting my things inside my bag before proceeding outside. I ran towards the school's public comfort room while holding my breath and mouth.

My stomach rumbling as if I am hungry, disgusted, and thirsty of something but I don't know what is this thing about!

"Madison!" Sishy called out my name but I just minded my own business and continued running towards the public C.R and immediately went in.

I locked the door of the cubicle that I am in and started coughing real hard, my throat feels do dry that even if I swallow and drink my own saliva there is still that feeling where something is lacking.

I saw a hand with a water bottle below the cubicle's door since there are spaces in it. So I grabbed it and opened the water and drank it.

I think, for 20 seconds, the bottle was empty but I still can feel this unexplainable thirst. I just bit my tongue and decided to go out after flushing the bowl.

"Hey, you okay? What happened? You pregnant?" Sishy asked continuously. I glared at her after hearing the last question. This girl!

"How will I even get pregnant? You're crazy!" I exclaimed because of how nonsense that last question is.

She shrugged her shoulders and refrained from laughing before replying, "Who knows."

I glared at her one more time and she just smirked at me.

"But seriously, what happend to you? Shouldn't you go to the school's clinic?" She added and so I briefly looked at her and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"I guess that I'm fine now. You don't need to worry. Let's go and eat? My treat." I said that made her smile widely. I rolled my eyes mentally, I saw her happily started walking out the door and so I followed her.

She gestured me to walk faster and I just nodded. I looked at my reflection once again but was dumbfounded because of what I saw. My eyes glittered with a bright red but when I blinked, it suddenly became its original color.

"Hey! Let's go!" Sishy called out from the door and so I shook my head and just thought about it as a hallucination.

Damn, why am I so weird right now? Even my body is!

"I think you are just hundry," Sishy nonchalantly blurted out that made me look at her.

"Wow, self-diagnosing, huh?" I sarcastically said and now followed her from walking towards our destination. I saw her just scratching her neck and then fished out her phone from her pocket and reading a text from it.

I saw her eyes widened because of what she has read, I think. Is this just like yesterday? Another shocking news?

I was about to look away but Sishy had already grabbed my shoulders to look at her direction and shook it or rather, she was shaking my whole freaking body!

I slapped her hand that was holding tightly at my shoulders and kept on shaking me while having a very big smile plastered on her face.

"What's your deal?" I angrily asked because of that sudden act she did to me. What I really hate the most is being held and acted like that unexpectedly.

"I told you about a friend of mine who is going to be here right? She's waiting for us at the cafeteria! Let's go! We must rush now," she excitedly said and rushed out leaving me.

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