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Everything became hectic after a week that has passed. It was announced that next week would be our first examinations for this week, I am still adjusting, though. But i was already able to cope up with the subjects it's just that I exactly still haven't gotten any clue about the schedule of our examinations. 

It is already our lunch time and we are heading out together with other classmates, I caught Shanaya's scornful glance at our direction and so I lifted an eyebrow on her. This girl is very unreasonable, throwing fierce stares at us whenever we got into her direction or way by accident. She actually doesn't own these land that we are stepping on so why the attitude? 

"She's just an attention-seeker, stop giving her more attention." Cassie said to me in a whisper and grabbed me closer to them. We are already half-walking and half-running. I also don't understand these girls sometimes, they actually have some incredible guts and bravery yet they don't stand against this Shanaya girl. 

What's with them? 

When we arrived at the cafeteria, it was astoundingly quiet. I was about to ask the girls I am with but refrained myself because of the people sitting at the center table of the cafeteria. I saw how everyone turned serious due to the atmosphere in the cafeteria. Uh, okay? Aren't they overreacting? 

Otis is no god. This atmosphere makes me wanted to burst out laughing but I can't, I was just holding my breath to refrain from laughing but damn! A little chuckle escaped from my mouth. I felt the elbows of Cassie kept on hitting my stomach and so I stepped back and now felt almost everyone's stares. 

I stared back at them but unexpectedly, Otis was just minding his own business and didn't even took a chance to glance at my direction. Oh... what's up with him today? 

I just remembered, we haven't seen him for days and for weeks already but then he suddenly changed. Or am I just too preoccupied? Or am I too assuming about the fact that he is being kind to me? I shook my head and stopped myself from thinking more about that guy. 

"I will be ordering for us, you two should find a seat for us. Is it the usual?" Cassie volunteered to buy the lunch for us, since she is friends with one vendor where her stall is always where we buy our lunch, the vendor would help Cassie in bringing our lunch to our table. 

I brought out my card and handed it to Cassie. She happily accepted it and shoo-ed us. 

"There. Oh, nice spot." Sishy pointed at the seat near the last stall and it is also near the restroom and so it will be easy for us to wash our hands since it is not too far away from our seats. 

Sishy winked at me and grabbed my hand and so I just let her, I followed her and now sat down when we arrived. "Have you noticed anything about Otis?" she started and so I just shrugged. 

I don't really know a lot about him, everything that he is acting is all new to me. 

"I guess he's okay with his parents, huh?" she murmured while still looking at the table where Otis and his friends are sitting. The cafeteria became more quite when a bunch of boys together with three boys wearing some casts went in the cafeteria. 

"They are those bunch of idiots that made fun of Otis. Look how funny their state is," she laughingly said and so I also chuckled. When I looked at Otis, I saw him taking a glance at the boys who went in and then looked away after. 

The people that's with him in the table laughed as if they were the only people in the cafeteria. I bet that most of them are also part of the SSG. I barely recognize them, though. Otis was really the one who stood up in their group. 

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