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I went out of the detention room where I was counseled by a Professor, she asked about the full details of what I did. A video conference was even made just for her to be able to talk to my parents, I saw how my prof got nervous when the call got through. 

It's a bit funny though. 

While walking in the lobby where I can pass through the rooms of my fellow Senior Highschool Students, I saw how others were busy listening to their teachers and even looked at me with a shock expression visible on their faces. 

The news about me and how I made a scenario awhile ago must have reached them. It won't be new to me anymore most especially when I hold a very important role in this school, as the SSG President. 

I was just too upset about how my classmates got the stone without even any permission from me, even if they ask permission, I won't let them have the chance to have it. Who wouldn't be mad knowing that a thing that they most valued would be on someone's hands, right? What's more infuriating is that they snatched it 'for fun'. 

Just wow. I am already curious about how much of layers are there in their skin, it's just too thick.

I slowed my pace of walking when I was about to pass the room of this new student that I am taking an interest in. Madison's room. 

I was just about to take a peek but it was sudden that our gazes met. I smirked because of this sudden happening and on how my madness ceased when I saw her. Never have I ever took an interest in any of the girl's from this school, it was only her who instantly caught my attention since the first day of school. 

This drop-dead gorgeous girl have this mysterious aura around her, her captivating bored-looking eyes, a pointy acquiline-shaped nose, portruded pouty lips, and her milky skin color is literally perfection. She is actually a head turner for goddamn's sake! 

She doesn't notice anything around her, but every boy who passed by her actually looks back just to stare at her. 

I am not in love with her or anything but I just appreciate her beauty, too much, that it's addicting sometimes. Sometimes. 

Dad's driver came to pick me up incase a setback might happen. Those boys whom I sent to the hospital aren't some easy boys, they've got this intimidating family background. All came from a family of politicians that has been against my Father. 

Father has been very cautious for me after that happening, but he will never be mad. 

I didn't wait for the driver to open my door for me, I immediately went in and thanked him for what he was about to do. "Sir, are my parents already in the house?"

He suddenly laughed and so I curiously looked at him, "How many times do I have to tell you that you don't need to call me 'that', young master?" 

I crossed my arms and leaned to my seat and looked at the scenery from the car's window. "It's a sign of respect, sir. I highly respect you to be able to do a job like this, no one has ever taken any courage to butt in the President's life."

He chuckled and replied, "This is nothing compared to what your Father has did and helped to my family, young master. Also, you deserve all the protection. You are our remaining hope after all."

"I still haven't found that Zedler heiress. I'm a bit of a disappointment lately," I said in a tone of disappointment. I am even disappointed of myself. I have leads but I need more concrete information. 

Silence was filled in the car after that talk and so I just slept in for awhile since there's more minutes before we would be arriving in our house. In my eyes half closed, I began playing with the stone that is tangled in my belt and darkness slowly crept in later that happening. 

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