Chapter 6-Bunker

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The next morning, you're woken up by Brett in a complete panic. He shakes you awake and his crystal clear eyes show straight nerves. Richie's waiting impatiently at the door with a big bag. "Y/N, someone leaked our address. We've got to leave, now." you're groggy and confused, having just been shaken out of a deep sleep.

"Why? What's happening?" You try to process the situation. "Hold on, someone leaked your address? What the hell?!" You sit up in bed and Richie looks ready to leave without you. 

"We've got to hurry, we have MAYBE five minutes before we've got pigs on our ass, and we all know who they're taking down first." He says. The air in the room is heavy. You never got a chance to unpack your bag, so you just grab it, pull on some sneakers, and follow them. It doesn't even occur to you that you could leave, go back to your home, and forget any of this ever happened. No one knows who you are or that you're involved with the Specops. You aren't trending on twitter and you certainly don't have people writing smut about you on "Wattpad", whatever that was. But Brett and Richie weren't just the Specops to you, and you would stick with them even if it was dangerous. 

It was really starting to seem dangerous. 

You all climb into Richie's jeep, and he slowly pulls out and drives away, swearing that tearing out of the driveway would only lead the cops right to us. You don't know where you're going and you're too scared to even ask. You've never seen this expression on Brett's face before, even when he talks about his dad. It's twisted in anger, frustration, and something else that you can't put your finger on. 

None of you talk and the atmosphere in the car feels tight and uncomfortable, a polar opposite of last night's ranting. After nearly an hour of silence, you just can't take it anymore. 

"Richie. Where are we going?" You ask, trying not to let your fear and annoyance show. He sighs, "I co-own a little house in the middle of nowhere Tennessee.  Use it for long weekend trips and shit like that. We're gonna lay low for a bit. Our names haven't been leaked, but they'll be able to find it easily from property records. Hope is they'll overlook this house because I'm not the legal owner. Or something like that. It's our only option."

It feels like a hastily made, risky plan but Richie's right. This is truly your only option and you don't have any way to help. You desperately don't want to annoy them, but you have one more question. "Do you know who leaked you?"

Brett, who's sitting shotgun, turns to look at you. "You know the group Anonymous? Apparently one of them went rogue and fucking doxed us for shits and giggles." You can tell they're both completely pissed and stressed to an extreme level. You just wish there was something you could do to help them. 

There's nothing to do but watch the scenery, which isn't impressive, or go back to sleep. You uncomfortably lay down in the back seat and slowly drift in and out.

By the time you're fully awake and sitting up, you've arrive. It's a small cabin type lot that's truly in the middle of no where. There's a small stream behind the cabin and so many trees you feel claustrophobic. You've lived in the capital of Mississippi you're entire life and find the eerie silence to be suffocating. If only there was some way to make a lot of noise. 

You silently hop of the car and wait for Richie to pop the trunk. You grab your bag and let the boys head in first, coming to terms with how completely insane this entire situation was. See, NOW it occurs to you that you could've ditched them and gone back to your normal life. But good dick and a great mind and heart really does something to a girl, and you're hooked. 

You head into the cabin. There's a small porch/sitting area at the front, a little living room, tiny kitchen, two bedrooms, and a storage loft. It's all pretty underwhelming, not that you were expecting some sort of resort. The whole cabin is dusty and there's no food left from the last visitors trip. You know you're the only one who'll be able to go out in public and shop, which makes you nervous for some reason. You feel paranoid that maybe somehow someone knows you're linked with the Specops and will dox you next. Not that you have anything to hide-just knowing your address is floating around on the web would send you into a spiral. 

Richie unpacks in the smaller bedroom while Brett moves to the bigger, giving you a nod to join him. You hurry after him. You move together comfortably, and some weird part of you is excited for this adventure with Brett. Hidden away in the woods like fugitives, all alone where no where can you scream. Or moan. 

You put away all your clothes, toiletries, and plug in your phone. This isn't some dumbass cliché, of course you have wifi it's 2020 and pretty damn difficult to own a house/cabin that doesn't have wifi. You get a decent three bars but pause before texting your friends. Brett gives you a look that simply says "Please don't be stupid." You use common sense, keeping it vague and saying you're going on a fun vacation with a guy you've been talking to. 

A few express concern, but the majority of them just seem to brush it off and talk about themselves. Your friends are kind of shitty, but they know how to have a really good time and sneak into bars without paying, so the friendship works out for you. You get to the bottom of your bag and you face flushes. Your toys. Oh my god, the fucking toys you packed!  You quickly grab and scrunch the bag before Brett can see, but you end up turning your vibrator on. The cabin is so small and open that the noise seems to echo and be 100x louder than it ever has been. You fumble desperately to open the bag and turn it off, but your hands are shaking.

You finally manage to turn it off, whipping your head around to Brett. His face is quizzical and has a smirk. It's nice to see him smile after such a shitty day. You can't help but smile back and bury your head in your hands. Richie's voice chimes in from the other room. "Was that a....y/n did you pack a toy?"

This sends your group over the edge. You've all been so tense and wound up all day, and it's nice to just laugh for a minute. Richie's laugh seems magnified in the cabin, rolling even louder than usual. Your head is still in your hands but you're laughing as well, trying to explain yourself through coughs and laughs. 

Once the three of you have settled down, the vibe in the cabin is greatly improved. Your bag (with its toys) goes under the bed. You all make a list of what you'll need to get at the supermarket tomorrow, and have one of the worst dinners you've ever eaten with some things Richie grabbed on his way out. Saltine crackers, peanut butter, and bread were his top priorities as he rushed out. You start to feel like maybe things will be okay. You'll all get through this and be able to safely head back to Mississippi. Justice will be served for victims of police brutality, and the law enforcement will be massively reformed and changed. 

You cuddle up to Brett, his woodsy smell perfectly at home in the cabin. You nestle your head into his neck, slowly drifting away as you dream of peace, love, and equality. 

(A/N: I know, no smut this chapter :( got something big planned for the next chapter! I've been feeling a little burned out so next chapter won't be posted until tomorrow. Let me know if you guys like this chapter or not, it felt a bit over the top to me? Idk lmk. Thank you all for the love and support, and thank you for 1.5k reads! <3 <3 <3)

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