Chapter 9-Hungover

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You wake up with an absolutely pounding headache. Your sore and dishelved from the last few days events, and the hangover isn't helping either. Brett's up and active, googling hangover cures on his phone. You groan and roll over, cuddling against him. He instinctively put an arm around you, kissing the top of your head.

"How you feeling?" He asks, turning away from his phone to look down at you. You rub your forehead slightly, sighing. "Awful. Like I wanna go to sleep for a few years." Brett smirks, rubbing your back gently. "If it helps, I feel just as gross." He says, slowly getting up. He goes to get you some water, and you work on getting yourself up. Everything in your body is telling you to just lay back down and leave the lights off and curtains drawn, but this isn't exactly a vacation. You slowly put the shades up, sunlight piercing your sensitive eyes and making your headache flare up.

It's a start to the day, though. A terrible one, but it's a start. You lay back on the bed, listening for sounds of Athena or Richie. You just hear the sink turn on and the clink of glasses. You pause, confused. Where'd Athena even sleep? You hope she didn't have to sleep on the couch. That just felt rude. Brett comes back in, interrupting your contemplation. "Brett, was Athena out there?" You ask, gratefully taking a glass of water.

He thinks for a second. "No, I didn't see her on the couch or anything. You don't think she....?" You laugh and shake your head. "No way. She's like some saint, I can't imagine they slept in the same bed." Brett laughs too at this ridiculous situation you've both found yourself in.

The bedrooms pretty cramped, so you eventually slog your way into the living room, trying to wake up and recover. You've got to stay alert and awake, you can't risk slipping up in safety because you drank just a bit too much last night. Brett checks the locks, then comes back with some snacks for the two of you. You eat and chat, piecing together what happened the night before. You show him some of your favorite edits and tiktoks about him, all of which amuse him greatly (and instill a healthy amount of fear in the internet).

At around 1pm, Athena slips into the kitchen from Richie's room. You and Brett share a glance and you hold back a laugh. "Morning Athena! How'd you sleep?" Brett asks with a concealed grin. "Well." She turns and catches your eye, before looking away, completely embarrassed. "We didn't do anything. Obviously." Athena says, annoyed at Brett's reaction.

Brett raises his hands "Hey, I didn't say it, you did." Athena doesn't seem amused. Her hangover has made her even more tense then her usual sober self, and she's really no fun when she's like this. She eats in silence before going to sit on the back porch. "Should we um. Wake Richie up? It's late as hell." You say, gesturing to his closed door.

Brett nods, and the two of you gently push open Richie's door. Brett stifles a laugh. Richie's out cold, with his arm slung across the bed as if he'd fallen asleep holding someone. Brett draws the shades as you gently shake Richie's shoulder. The light wakes him and he swears slightly. "What the hell Brett! God, my head!" He says, rolling away from the light. You pat his shoulder sympathetically. "Richie, c'mon man. We're all crazy hungover today, we figured you'd wanna be awake before dinner time." Brett says.

Richie sits up, rubbing his eyes and squinting as he looks around the room. "Where's Athena?" He asks with a frown. You and Brett share another look. "She's out. On the back porch." Richie nods, slowly rousing himself and going to find her. You and Brett were left alone in the cabin, and you were feeling restless. You were still sore from your threesome two days ago, but you wanted Brett badly.

You grabbed his hand, leading him to the living room. The water and rest helped ease your headache, and you want something to distract you. You started to kiss Brett, straddling him as he sat on the sofa. He had a hand on your hips and one on your neck, controlling your pace. He kept things slow and gentle, knowing you were sore and sleepy. You could feel Brett's erection growing, and knew he was getting restless, fast. You sit up slightly, looking out the window. Richie and Athena were sitting on the porch, facing away from you and Brett.

"You've got to stay quiet. Got it?" Brett says, firmly. You press your lips together, nodding quickly. Staying quiet is hard, but it's worth the price. He pulls off your shorts and panties, kissing your neck gently as you squirm under his touch. He picks you up, moving you to a chair and bending in front of you. You deserve a reward after these last few days, and he knows it.

Brett started by slowly tonguing you, easily gliding his tongue over your wetness. You're already sweating and ready to cum, but he's forcing you to wait. He picks up his pace and slips two fingers in, curling them slightly. He looks up at you, a quivering mess as you try to stay quiet and smiles softly. He flicks his tongue over your clit, and you grab a pillow to muffle your moans. Soon, you were pushed over the edge, having a shaking orgasm. Brett didn't let up, quickening his fingers up and going from flicking to swirling and sucking your clit. You cried out into the pillow as he managed to push out another two orgasms from you.

You were lightheaded from the euphoria, and couldn't remember any time you'd felt this carefree and happy in your life. He gently moves you back to the couch, hovering over you briefly before plunging deep into you. His length never stopped taking you by surprise, and today was no exception. He sees you about to moan and kisses you roughly, catching your moan before anyone else can hear it. He pulls back, grabbing your hips to give himself the best angle to pound into you. The pleasure holds you again, and you have a final, fourth orgasm. You and Brett finish together, a rough kiss signifying your grand finale.

You look around the living room as Brett helps you back into your clothes. You can hardly talk, and you're so sensitive the clothes alone seem to be teasing you. Once you recover, you pause. " do we explain the fact that the fabric on that chair is A: very wet and B: needs to be washed ASAP?" Brett laughs, "You spilled something, don't be silly." You frown, "Well it's your fault that I spilled it." Brett kisses you again, and gets up to start throwing together some kind of dinner.

Richie and Athena drift in, attracted by the scent of food. Richie sees the afterglow on your face (and in your messy hair) and smirks, shaking his head at you. Athena seems in better spirits after talking to Richie for a bit, but still avoids your gaze and sits as far from you as she can. She must be embarrassed or ashamed of what happened last night. You don't really know why she's making it such a big deal-it seemed like she had fun, but you weren't one to judge.

During a dinner of slightly overcooked chicken and peas, you all relax and relate in your own painful, hungover ways. Athena seems to shut down whenever you talk, and you start feeling guilty. You don't understand, but you want to make her feel better, or at least look at you.

After dinner, Athena offers to do the dishes. "I can he-" Richie says, but you cut him off. "I'LL help. It's no big deal, don't worry about it." You say as Athena starts trying to come up with an excuse.

Athena washes a dish, then hands it to you to be dried. You start by just trying to make small talk, but she shuts you down with dry ass responses every time. Eventually, you give up. "Listen Athena, I really don't know what I did wrong. I'm sorry, but I can't make it up to you unless I know what I did." Athena slowly puts the plate shes holding into the sink. "This wasn't part of the plan." She says under her breath. This strikes you as strange, and in an instant your suspicions of her are back. "Excuse me?" you say, annoyed and apprehensive. She looks up at you, and you feel certain she didn't want you to hear that.

"It's nothing. It's just....what would my family think?"

You didn't expect that. "....What?"

"What would my family think if they knew I ran off to get drunk and make out with some girl? If they knew I'd turned my back on the church, on God."

"And y/n, what would they think if they knew I liked it?"

(A/C: I'm back! TEN DAYS since the last chapter, and I really am sorry for taking such a long break but I wanted to be sure the all-knowing wattpad gods wouldn't strike down my story. THANK YOU ALL so much for the continued love and support! I've been reading all of your comments while I was on break, and I love to see the comments from someone reading through for the first time! Thank you also for 16K reads! Never imagined my story would get this big or have so much reach. If anyone wants to follow my instagram, I run an advice account (_giving_advice) and would love to talk to some of you guys <3)

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