Chapter 8-Backup

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You spend the rest of the day drifting in and out to the sounds of the boys laughing and trying to figure out to sustain themselves with the meager food you still have from Richie. They let you rest, and the whole cabin is much more at ease after your fuckfest. Late in the afternoon, around 4 pm or so, Brett quietly lets himself into the room, sitting next to you. 

"We need to be keeping ourselves as safe and anonymous as possible right now." You're still delirious and tired from the pleasure, but do your best to focus and listen to what Brett says. "Mhm." You reply with a small yawn. "So Richie reached out to a specop in the area he's been seeing around on twitter." This gives you pause and you sit up. 

"Athena? How'd he find her? No one even has footage of her do they?" You ask with a frown. Brett gives you a melancholy smile. "That anonymous member wasn't too kind to any of us specops, Athena included. He didn't just leak her address-her name and social media got leaked as well." He paused, watching your reaction. "We've got safety in numbers, so Richie invited her to stay with us until things cool down and we can split off and go back home." 

Your stay at the cabin so far has been pretty wild, and you're not sure about their "safety in numbers" logic. "Aren't we just giving them an easy target? All of us together in one place?" Brett lets out a tired sigh, and for a minute he has that burdened, stressed look back on his face. You want to take your words back and just let him be hopeful again. "We've got to stick together. We're all fighting for the same cause and her odds aren't great if she's out there alone." Brett replies softly. 

"I trust you. If you think this is a good idea, I'm behind you 100%." You say without hesitation, desperate to see his easy smile. He leans into you slightly, letting out another deep sigh. You turn, pulling him in for a hug. You protectively wrap a hand into his hair, holding him close to you. As much fun as you guys have had at the cabin, you can tell abandoning his friends and loved ones without explanation digs up terrible things from Brett's past. 

For all of Brett's sexiness and dominance, it's nice sometimes to remember he can be soft and feeling too. His 7 foot frame feels sadness like anyone else, and you kiss him softly as he pulls back. "Thank you. For being here and listening and everything you've done for me. For us, really." Brett says, gesturing vaguely around the cabin. You squeeze his hand and walk into the living room with him. 

Richie's eating mini twizzlers he found in a small shelf under the "dining room" table. Walkings pretty tough, so you lean on Brett as he helps you to the sofa. Once you get comfortable, you turn to Richie. "Brett told me about Athena. I just wanted to let you know you've got the go-ahead from me." 

Richie looks at Brett, then back to you, raising an eyebrow. "Great, because she's already on her way." Your eyes widen, "Hold on, how far is she?" Richie lets out a confused laugh. "Maybe 30 minutes? Been a minute since she's updated, these roads can be a complete bitch." You swallow your fears and concerns about if this girl is even an actual girl and not the FBI, and if you're just sitting ducks waiting to be caught. 

The 30 minutes turn into 45, then an hour. The clock ticks stress you out deeply, but you try not to show it. Brett needs you to be positive and strong for him, and that's exactly what you'll do. Richie and Brett manage to hold a light banter, and you occasionally chime in, but the conversation has little substance or hold on any of you. When someone finally knocks on the door, you all jump up. 

Richie murmers to you and Brett, telling you to slip into the bathroom until he's certain it's Athena. You can tell how badly Brett wants to argue and insist that he's the one potentially in harms way, but you use every ounce of strength in your body to pull him away and into the bathroom. He paces the tiny bathroom, in a tense ball of concern for Richie. Your whole body is sore and your mind can't help but wonder how well you'd be able to run, if you had to. If you'd be able to fight with your whole lower body recovering from being pounded for hours. 

You try not to let these thoughts control you, reaching out to grab Brett's arm before he can turn on his heel and pace back to the door for the tenth time. You're sitting uncomfortably on the toilet, but give him one of his own tricks. A firm look, warning him to stop what he's doing. He looks like a caged animal. "This is taking too long. You were right, we shouldn't have done this." Brett hisses. 

As you open your mouth to respond, Richie opens the door. He glances at Brett for a second too long, seeming to feel he was standing on the edge. "Relax guys. It's Athena. Had some serious car trouble so I took a peek. Shitty tires, that's why Jeeps are the superior vehicle." 

Brett's relief is immediate and sensible. He helps you up and out of the bathroom. Athena sits stiffly on the sofa, a quiet presence in what has become a very loud cabin. Athena's taller than you by a few inches, but no where near the boys heights. She has short, chin length strawberry blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She's curvy and wears plain clothes, though you already suspect she's hiding a fantastic body under her "runaway" clothes. She looks fairly messy, like she's been on the run for days. 

This strikes you as strange. Richie and Brett's address was leaked about a day ago. Why would Athena look so worn out after just a days travel? You try not to judge, instead reaching out a hand to the girl. "Y/n." You say with a slight smile. "Athena." She says back, curtly. Brett also introduces himself, getting the exact same tight response. An awkward silence ensues, Richie rocking back on his heels and looking around the room. 

"Who's up for some drinks and truth or dare?" Richie says, desperate to break the tension. "This isn't a summer camp." Athena says with a frown. Richie raises his eyebrows, looking at you and Brett. "Who said it can't be fun? C'mon!" he says with a lopsided smirk. Athena sighs. "Sure, whatever."

One things the cabin isn't short on is drinks. Hard liquor and red wine fill a shelf in the kitchen, and Richie uses a heavy hand with everything. The drinks flow, and Athena starts to loosen up a bit. You get to learn more about the guys as well. Athena's a virgin (Shocker), Brett once broke his friends nose after he catcalled a girl, and Richie's had more one night stands with men than you and your friends combined. 

A few dares get sprinkled in as well, getting more intense as the night goes on. You dare Richie to kiss Brett, which you really felt like was a favor to Richie more than a dare. Athena was actually pretty fun once she had some drinks in her and dared you to describe your best and worst hook-ups in graphic detail. 

The night starts to slow down, and more time passes between rounds. Eventually, Richie dares you to make out with Athena. Athena's face blushes brightly. "I....I've never kissed a girl." She says, full of nerves. You just want her to relax a bit, let go. 

"Don't worry, it's fun." You say, crawling over to Athena and smiling at her face. She really wants you, but is terribly embarrassed and has no idea how to ask. "If you don't want to that's fine, really no worries." You assure her, not wanting to pressure her. Athena's face gets even redder and she fiddles with her shirt for a minute before bursting out. "I do! Want you to. I mean I want you to do the dare or whatever."

You started nice and slow with her, just a brief one second peck. Eventually you get a decent rhythm going, steadying her with your hand and letting her take the lead with her tongue. You lean into her and gently nibble her bottom lip, causing her to gasp and moan into your mouth. The room falls a way a bit, and you find yourself instinctively grinding on Athena. You pulled back, standing and swaying slightly. The alcohol and previous exhaustion from your orgy was starting to catch up with you. Athena was bright red from head to toe, and seriously looked like she was on fire. 

Brett and Richie clumsily tried to conceal their hard-ons as you turned around. Brett could tell you'd reached your limit and scooped you up like he had that first day you met. He was completely mature and respectful, not letting his own horniness get in the way of caring for you. He made sure you were comfortable, said goodnight to the others, and kissed your cheek before laying next to you. You fell asleep easily, satisfied. 

(A/C: No major smut this chapter, figured it's good to give us a break after yesterday! Thank you for 6k reads, I seriously can't believe how much this story has taken off and I'm truly grateful to each and everyone of you viewers and readers. I love reading your comments and thank you especially to those who've stuck with the story even after I named Tank Brett! <3)

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