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We finally pulled up to the hotel, James and Finn sang the fruity moons song the hole way home. It got a little old but, Finn always looked so happy when he sang it and I loved his smile. James pulled into the go around it the front of the hotel and before I could even take my seat belt of Finn was already out and at my door, "my lady" he said as he opened my door took a bow and stuck his hand out with his head poked up. "Why thank you sir." I smiled as I grabbed his hand and stumbled out the car, if Finn wasn't there I would have fallen. As I wobbled over to Riley's door, Finn grabbed my bag out the back. "We love you pipes, and please... be careful." James was so scared of me coming here and him not being able to protect me, "I will james" I promised as he drove off. As I hoped over to the door and into the elevator Finn walked behind me with one hand on my back the hole time.
When we're in the elevator I'm thinking about seeing the team what if there upset, I messed up the dance and now we're down a dancer!! "Pipes, what ya thinking about??" Finn asked me cutting off my train of thought, "Umm, nothing I'm ok." I put on a small smile and told him. "Piper look at me.." he said. I rolled my neck to look at him, why does he need me to look at him I mean it's not a bad view but... "piper look at me!!" He demanded turning so his hole body faced me and he grabbed my head with both of his hands, I felt my legs get wobbly and and I pushed more presser on to my crutches. "Piper I know something's not ok, please just tell me?" I new I wasn't going to be able to go without telling him once I looked into his eyes. I took a deep breath "what if they all don't want to see me I- I messed up dance mania for everyone, and now- I-" "pipes, pipes hey it's ok there not mad at you..." his face was so calm I could tell that he was confident in what he said and I wanted to believe him but. "How do you know?" "Piper it's ok.....your ok.....nobody is mad at you and- and they all are going to be so happy to see you!!" Finn always new how to calm me down, as I stared into his eyes I could feel myself drifting away, he looked deeper into my eyes then pulled my head closer to his and kissed me, I was on the tip of my toe that I could still stand on. his neck was bent so much I new it was uncomfortable but he still insists on kissing me. His lips were so soft and- I felt like we were frozen in time.
He pulled away his kiss, but his for head still to mine. "Are you better now?" I opened my eyes and glared up at him, "yes thank you" "pipes I was thinking and I-" before he could finish his sentence the Doors to the elevator opened and out side of them was the hole team. "Oooooooo" everyone said as they see mine and Finns heads pressed together. "Come on guys stop it" finn says as his hands come off of my face, he reached down and picked up our bags and waited for me to leave the elevator first. As soon as I walked out all the girls swarmed around me "piper are you ok" "we were so worried" everyone was asking me different questions but, none of them were mad. Behind us through all the chaos I could here Kingston ask Finn, "so have a nice elevator ride?" As everyone laughed, I Hurd Finn annoyed but I couldn't tell what he was saying. Once we got into one of the hotel rooms Finn pushed through the guys to get to me, "here sit on the bed pipes, I'm going to go put you bag in your room." "Thank you finn." He looked me in the eyes and smiled then walked out. "So how are you doing??" Amy asked. She was sitting on the bed across from me on Henry's lap, Kingston and lily where sitting in the chair against the wall heath and ozzy where by Henry and Kenzie was behind me with Richelle beside me!! "I'm...good." "But can you dance?" Kingston asked me I felt my smile drift away, "no I- I can't dance..." lily slaped Kingston "dummy she's on crutches of course she can't dance!!" Lily looked really annoyed at Kingston. Just then Finn walks through the door and  I am relived to see him. He sits down next to me and put his arm around my back and rubs my arm, I lay my head on his shoulder I feel so much better. "Ok I'm gonna go get some food because I'm hungry" ozzy stated as he stood up "me to!" Heath agreed standing up as well. "You guys are always hungry." Henry laughed "you know what I'm hungry to!" Lily said "why don't we all just go eat?" Kingston wondered "yes let's eat!!" Henry popes up "I'm not that hungry actually..." "me Neither we eat before we left the hospital." Finn stated still rubing my shoulder. "Ok" Kingston said jumping out the door, "you to have fun" Amy said as she walked out and shut the door. I laughed and rolled my eyes as I kicked my crutches and pushed myself to the top of the bed laying my head on the pillow. Finn scooted up towards me and put his hand at the top by my head and started rubbing it gently, messing with my hair. "Hey Finn?" "Ya pipes" "do you think I'll be ok" "Piper your going to be more then ok, when your done resting... your gonna be an even better dancer then you already where and you were ARE amazing." I rolled my head to look at him, then rolled onto my side. He stood up and grabbed the blanket that was sitting on the chair and laid it over me then went to the side of the bed got under the blanket and rapped his arms around me. I always felt so safe in his arms. Soon enough I felt my self drifting of to sleep.

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