Chapter 9: BYE

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My life was finally coming together! The team won dance mania, my cast is coming off tomorrow, and me and Finn are back together! The only question I had was,  what's next? What ever it was we would figure it out together the team, me and Amy, and me and Finn! Finn pulled my suet case out of the elevator and into the lobby, as I went in front of him. I could feel his eyes on me so I'm starting to question if the only reason he wants me to go first is because he cares or if it's for other reasons....

Once were out of the way of the elevator I quickly turn around and Finn is standing right in front of me. "what are you doing?" he smirked, letting lose of the handle of the suit case and resting it on my wait. "thank you." I said looking up at him and putting one of my hands on top of the one he put on me. "for what?" he searched my eyes for answers,   does he really not know......    "for-    waiting on me,    helping me through the rough spots even when I wasn't very nice to you, and" my whole train of thought and the words coming out of my mouth were cut off by his lips being pressed against mine. It was a soft kiss but he wanted it to be more...    I wanted it to be more.   My hands came off of my crutches to rap around his neck me going higher onto the tips of my toes,   my feet were so sour from rehearsals, the show,     kissing him. His hands rapped around my waist pulling me closer to him. My crutches hitting the ground and making us jump. Me and Finn pulling apart and looking back, we were still holding onto each other. We laughed realizing that it was my crutches hitting the lobby floor that made the crashing sound. As our forheads meet again and I bight my lip and look up at him. Both of us are breathing heavily. "You know, I'm kinda sad we're leaving." "And whys that?" He picked his head up off my forehead and looked deeper into my eyes, "because, I can't lye in bed with you." He smirked pulling my body closer to his. I giggled pulling myself up higher and playing with his hair I lifted my face up to his, are lips barely touching, "who said we can't..." I giggled kissing him, then I pulled away and went back onto my flat feet. He leaned in trying to get me not to stop but, We were in the lobby we might not be in the middle of it but it was STILL the lobby. "Pipes." He cried as I reached down and grabbed my crutches. I popped back up and put them under my arms. "We can't miss the bus Finn we would be stuck here." I stated as I walked forward him still not moving. If we missed this bus james wouldn't trust me or Finn ever again! It took a lot of convincing to get him to let me go home on the bus and if I missed it it would be bad. I laughed at Finns comment but still went forward. "I'm serious pipes-" he said grabbing the suit case and running after me where I was turning the corner.

When we turn the corner we can see all of a-troupe waiting in a corner in the front part of the lobby. "hey what happened to being the first ones here, you get held up?" Amy giggled turning to face us with her arms folded over her chest. "ya what where you guys so long?" henry smirked, he had one arm on his suit case and the other on Amy's with a bag around his neck. "dude." Finn said with a shut up look on his face. "whatever you two think was going on      wasn't. Finn lost his shoe.....again." "dude." Henry said mocking Finn for saying it the first time. Finn made that face he does when he has been caught, he sucked in a big breath of air and avoided ALL eye contact. A smile growing on my face, its just so cute. Amy moved her head motioning for us to go sit at the bench, so we made are way over there. Once we sat down she started immediately. "so what 'really' kept you?" a smile growing across her face. "I'm serious, Finn lost his shoe that's it." "I don't know if I believe you or not but" "Amy when something does happen I will tell you,   I promise." She sucked in a big breath of air then let it out very quickly. "ok." she held her arms out with a smile from one ear to the other. Then I hugged her squeezing tightly.

"ok a-troupe! Time to have everything together the bus will be here shortly." Emily called her clip bored in hand walking towered the team. "lets do a name call really qui" her sentence was cut off by a voice that I didn't recognize. "a-troupe...right?" a dark haired woman called from behind Emily. She was a little taller then her and was wearing a black dress that came not to much above her knees and had on a cropped white leather jacket that had 2 black lines going across each side, her hair straight down her back out of her face. "yes and you are?" Emily asked turning to face the women. "Lora home, you must be Emily. "She stuck her hand out to shake her Emily's hand. But instead lily rushed up there and shook her hand, "hi I'm lily!" she had a ginormous grin across her face. "did you like the dance?" lily asked letting go of her hand and folding both of hers in front of her. "I did it was very impressive and that is actually why I'm here-" "that's why-  why your- uhh" lily blacked out and Kingston ran up there catching her before she fell onto the floor. "hey babe are you ok?" Kingston rushed fanning his girlfriend who was still in his arms.  Then out of no where she stood up and looked at Lora. Smiling bigger then before,    somehow.  I made my way to Finn and he stepped behind me putting one hand on my hip. "I'm sorry but we have a bus that will be here soon and we really got to get ready to leave." Emily smiled. "right um... I am the owner of 'hope view school of the art's and I wanted to offer you all a spot." Wait now I remember it all is coming back to me,      hope view is a boarding school in new York,  one of the best schools for dance in the WORLD! Some of the greatest dancers of all time went there I- I would love to be a student there! Not only is the dance part amazing but so is the other subjects not only some of the best dancers but also some of the best writers, teachers went there! But there's one thing  its really expensive and there is no way that most of us could even afford that. Everyone was talking and excited that this opportunity was here. "um not everyone can afford that." I spoke up and all of a-troupe realizing that,     it was true. "I figured that's why you all would go on full scholarships" she smiled taking a step forward. All of a troupe was astatic.

"the semester starts in august" she handed a card to Emily. "I will email you some more information and you can pass it out to them and you all can decide for yourselves who wants to go and who doesn't."  "now have a safe trip back." She smiled then turned and walked off.  "ok guys we can talk more about this latter for now we need to get on the bus it just pulled up!" Emily yelled waving for us to go out the door.

This is a big opportunity, But also a very big decision. I also don't know if my parents will let me go I mean. A boarding school, I won't see them for a long time. And who's to say that they will let me go to New York! But before I even worry about that I have to decide what I really wanted to do.........the whole team did. And if we go that means we are no longer a-troupe. I don't know what everyone will choose but what I do know is, things will never be the same.

This was a short chapter and also the last one. Thank you all for reading this it means SO much to me!! And there will be another book! Follow me to stay updated on it! And if you enjoyed this make sure to like and leave me your thoughts in the comments!

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