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Me and Amy are on our way down to go on the bus for rehearsals. I wasn't late today because well.       I didn't really sleep last night all I could think about was Finn. When me and Amy got down to the lobby I saw Finn he was sitting on the bench with his head phones on deep in thought, all the guys were standing a couple feet away messing around. When I saw Finn there I felt like crying and I. Could feel the tears in the back of my eyes start to build up. Then Finn jerked his head up to look at me, it's like he could feel me staring at him. He made a faint smile at me but I didn't return it. Instead I hoped over to where all the girls where talking. "Please Emily!! After they will work extra hard!?" "No! No it's not happening they need to rehearse!" Emily and nick exchanged these words as they came through the doors of the hotel. "Please, please, pleaseeeeeese-" "OK! Ok, fine!" Emily gesturing towards us. "Thank you! OK everyone ok, gather round!" Nick said waving his arms for us to come. After everyone gathered round him he started telling us what the news was. "So me and Emily thought that it would be a great idea" "um no NICK thought that it was a good idea." "Oh yes, umm anyway.     I thought that we should all have a little 'good luck celebration' before dance mania tomorrow!" Everyone was so happy and started clapping 'this is gonna be sick' 'wait what am I supposed to we're?' I Hurd all these comments and I think that this was a good idea but- but I still couldn't stop thinking about Finn....   I looked over at him to see if he was cheering or showing any sort of excitement, but he was just standing there looking at me. I could feel my face start turning red. I quickly turned away pretending that I didn't notice. "Hey should we get dates?" Kingston asked as he looked at lily with a giant grin like always. "Umm yes why not, that sounds lovely!" Everyone started talking again. "Wait!? If this 'party' does happen.     After it we all need to be on your a game! And we won't stop rehearsing till it is perfect for it??" Emily asked with an very, very annoyed tone in her voice. "Yes ma'am!" All of a troupe replied being silent till she stepped out of the room then they all went mad again..  all I wanted to do now was go with Finn but, I can't. And it's not like he would want to either, I just broke his hart! I need to get over him- "hey piper, you ok?" Heath was asking me as he walked up behind me. "Ya of course why wouldn't i be?" I faked a smile the best that I could. "Well I Hurd about what happened with Finn and, wanted to make sure you were good...." of course he knew! "Oh, ya I'm fine. I'm the one who broke up with him, shouldn't you be checking on him." He looked startled he wasn't expecting that. I felt bad I had to say something. "Sorry I'm just a little.     Lost.."  "I know what will make you feel better." "What?" What could heath possibly do to make me feel better? "Do you want to go to the party with me?" What? Heaths really cool but, I don't like him like that.. "Umm heath that's really nice but" "but we would only be there as friends nothing more!" "Ok, ok ya that sounds fun!" "Cool" Heath stood up and walked away with a smile on his face it made me laugh. I could feel Finns eyes on the back of my neck, I turned to look at him and he smiled I wanted to smile back but- but I can't! So I walked away. I needed to make Finn feel better and I have an idea, but I need help! "Hey Richelle?" "Yes?" "I need a favor!"

I looked through my hole bag, I couldn't find ONE thing to where!! "Hey Amy, do you" "here!" She handed me a Burgundy colored dress with long sleeves and a puffy skirt. "Thank you!" I smiled. After I got the dress on, I wasn't sure if it looked that good, it went to my knees and it hung of my shoulders a little. I was wearing my hair in a low pony tale, and some lip gloss. "Amy I'm not sure this looked right.." I stated as I hoped out of the bathroom on my crutches, Kenzie, lily, summer and Richelle were also in there. "Wow, Piper you look amazing!" All of them huddled around me, pulling me out the bathroom. "Hey do you want me to do your make up?" Summer asked me holding a brush and a pallet of eye shadow. "Umm I think I'm good!" "Come on please I really need more practice!" I guess it couldn't hurt this one time, "ok..." i sighed. "Yay come sit!" After summer was done with my make up it actually looked pretty good! Then we Hurd a knock on the door, Amy went to the door and opened it, standing there was heath and Kingston. "Lily Kingston's here!" Lily walked over to the door "wow lily you look- wow!" Kingston said as he took the first look at lily "thank you!" She laughed "heath who are you here for?" Amy was confused, I didn't actually tell anyone I was going with heath... "Umm piper." "Can you wait one moment?" Amy said as she shut the door on heath. Everyone was looking at me now, "your going with heath?" Richelle asked "yess? But it's just as friends!" Another knock at the door cut are conversation short. Amy went and answered the door, it was ozzy. "Hey ozzy!" Amy said when she saw the boy with glasses and curly hair "hi is Kenzie here?" Amy answered with "can you just wait here one second." And shut the door. "Ozzy?" "Were just going as friends!" "Ya but ozzy why would you-" then another knock at the door interrupted. "Who is this?" Amy asked as she walked to the door "oh hey Henry!" "Hey you ready to go?" "Yes let me just get-" then Finn walked up. "Finn? Who are you here for?" "Uhh Richelle." Again Amy asked them to wait one second and shut the door. Now everyone was looking at Richelle, "your really going with pipers ex?" Kenzie asked the blonde haired girl wearing a short puffy, strapless dress. "Ya Richelle that's a little low!" Everyone started getting upset with Richelle. "HEY!? I asked Richelle to go with Finn.." everyone looked confused why would I do that. "What why?" Lily asked. "Because I didn't want him to go alone!" Everyone smiled "girl you are so confusing" Kenzie laughed "so should we goo Orr are we just gonna leave are dates out in the hall?" Lily questioned and then we all grabbed are purses and went to the door and opened it, all of the guys were standing there awkwardly. "All good?" "Yep were all set!" When I got out the door heath was sweet and took my purse for me. We got to the lobby then got on the bus, nick had rented out a place for us to have the party at. We got on the bus and me and heath sat next to each other, like you should when you go with a date.       as friends! But then I realized that Finn and Richelle where directly beside us. If I sat on an angle, sorta like I was turned to talk to heath I could look at Finn without turning my head. I mean, I- I'm just making sure he's ok, and having fun! And I have the right to look I still love him.  I don't know if I will ever stop either, but I- I have to learn to! For Finn...... I looked up at Finn just to realize that he was looking at me. He was staring at me.... he looked so sad, and I I know it's because of me. I wish this didn't have to happen I wish I didn't have to break his heart I wish that I could just let him hold me in his arms, and I- I wish I could just tell him that I love him! I quickly realized that I was still staring at him. I turned my head quickly to look at heath who was on his phone, "do you like fishing?" I got the words out as fast as I could trying to strike a conversation with him and keep my mind off Finn. "I know how to fish for survival purposes, but it's not my favorite thing to do.." well that didn't work. "Do you have a 'end of the world' bag?" What was he talking about, I really don't know but at least this started a conversation! "No what's that?" I think I could put 2 and 2 together and even if I couldn't I can google it latter but like I said I need to keep my mind off of-    You know who. "Ok so, there's a couple things you need to know before we even start!" This is going to be.... 'fun'.

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