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The ringing sound of my alarm blasted as I hoped around my room. I was in such a rush I cept hitting snooze instead of off! "Oh no! My water bottle! Where is it? I just had it and-" "um piper.." Amy cut my ramble short and gestured to my hand. Looking down I see my bottle, and my hand around it as I hop around. "Oh" I laugh rushing to my shoes. "Piper it's ok we are going to have plenty of time before the bus gets here.... you need to jus- breath..." she pulled her arms up lifting her shoulders as she took a deep breath. Pushing it all back down as she let out all the air. "I'm ok Amy! Really, I just want to get to rehyursuls-" "and see Finn?" She cut me off again, trying to finish my sentence. "That's not what I was gonna say.." I sigh sitting in my bed and untying the shoe laces on my sneakers. "Piper it's ok.... you guys made out an-" "no!" "You KISSED.." she said with a small comforting smile on her face, "it's ok to want to see him and talk things out.." she stated grabbing her water of the sink and putting it in her bag. I do want to see Finn but- I don't. All I know is that we need to dance our best no matter what!
I slip on my shoes and Amy grabs my bag and goes to slip it over her shoulder, "can I carry it?" I asked stoping her half way through her action. "Are you sure you can pipes? It's really ok, I can carry it-" "NO! I- I mean no thank you.." I retreated she knew that I didn't mean it as she had a forgiving look in her eyes and all over her face. "Ok.." she agreed slipping the bag over my shoulder then handing me my crutches. "But if it gets to be to much let me know!" She ordered, I laughed rolling my eyes. She still had a dead serious look, oh she was serious.. oops. "Of course Amy." "Thank you" she huffed opening the door.

When we got down to the lobby no one was down there beside, richelle, Kenzie, lily, Kingston and- and Finn. He turned his head to me so quickly it was almost like he was watching the door. He was wearing gray sweat pants a blue t-shirt and a dark gray hoodie that hugged his biceps. "Go talk to him!" Amy whispered nudging my shoulder. "I- I can't" I explained looking back to her. "Piper..." she said with a disappointed look on her face. I looked back into her eyes, we had this best friend thing where we can talk with our eyes. There's only 2 other people who I can do that with and that's james and- and Finn. "Fine!" I blurted, giving into what she was asking for. I can't believe she talked me into this. She squealed folding her hands together and up to her chest. "Shhh!" I rushed she pulled her folded hands up to her chin resting her fingers to her lips. I sighed turning to Finn I took a really, REALLY deep breath in and started walking- hopping to Finn. "HEY" both of us laughing at the fact that we said it at the same time... "can we talk??" "Ya, yes of course. You wanna sit down?" He asked pointing his finger in the direction of the bench in the lobby. "Ya sure.." we walked over to the bench and sat down Finn did that weird thing he does when it's an awkward moment. "Finn..... about last night I-" "no piper it was my fault, I shouldn't have kissed you in the first place and I'm sorry..." "hey it wasn't just your fault, you kissed me first yes, but I'm the one who provoked for more then JUST that kiss." I stated grabbing his hand that was sat on his knee. He looked up into my eyes, "but I should have stoped it." I felt my heart sink with that statement, he wasn't upset that we kissed he was disappointed that he didn't stop it. That he didn't protect me.... "Piper I. I don't know what I did wrong but, I'm sorry and I'm sorry that I wasn't what you wanted. But But I need you in my life! Friends or more then friends I just need you." I felt tears start to form in the back of my eyes, I need him to, I need him any way I can have him. And if we are just friends, like it used to be I'm ok with that! "It wasn't anything you did, I promise but I do want us to be friends again. I need you in my life to." I smiled. His worried compassionate loving face turned into a happy, joyful, caring smile. We were now just staring into each others eyes, again. Why does this always happen? And why don't I stop it, why CANT I stop it?.... "alrighty everyone on the bus!" Nick yelled snapping me and Finn our of the dais we where in. "Um you want me to take your bag for you?" He asked standing up and pointing beside me at my bag that was still around my shoulder. "Yes thank you" listen I know I just fought Amy about this but, he asked and now I have a excuse to sit next to him without having to ask. Me and Finn might not be as close as I would like us to be right now but, I still live him and I want to spend all the time I can with him. It's just like it used to be. That's all.

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