622 19 11

We're all at dance mania training, by we I mean everyone else is dancing and I'm sitting here      watching. "Ok guys, take a 5 minute break." Richelle demands then walks of the stage. Finn runs over to my seat and pulls me up, "wanna dance with me?" He says as he pulls me closer and raps his arms around my waist. "How are you still this energetic? That was a BIG rehearsal!" I was curious as to how he was still so full of energy. "I'm not I'm super tired but you need to move, keep those muscles going so that way your all set for when your better!" He States as he's moving me around as much as he can without hurting my ankle. "You should be out on that stage with me." He said as he came to a stop looking into my eyes still with his arms still around my waist. "Finn you know I can't.    I would love to be on that stage, dancing with the team,        Dancing with YOU. But I can't dance on one foot-" "pipes your a Genius!!" He cuts me off with those words then kisses me and puts me back in my chair as gently yet as quickly as he can. And then he bolts off, "Finn what are you-" "im going to talk to Emily and nick!! I'll be back in a bit!!" Ok now I am really confused why does Finn need to talk to Emily and nick?

It's been a pretty long time scenes Finn left, it's the first time he's left me alone this long in awhile. But I'm just watching Amy and Henry do tricks with each other. I wish I was dancing but I had to go and be a mess up didn't I? "PIPES!" I hear being called as Finn runs through the doors, and directly to me. He lifts me up out of my seat again and caries me to the stage. "I did it pipes, we did it!" What is he going on about and how is he even happier then when he left? "Finn, babe calm down.    Ok? Now what    Did     We do?" "Pipes your dancing on dance mania!! We're still doing this together!! You and me!" What how am I dancing on dance mania? I have a hurt ankle there's no way I will be able to.     Dance!! "Finn I already told you I can't da-" "dance you can't dance? Is that what you were gonna say piper?" I Hurd Emily say from behind me. I turned myself in Finns arms now with my back to him and him hugging my waist. "Emily, how am I dancing on dance mania?" She did that I got this smirk and took a step forward "Well Finn came to me and nick with an idea of a theme of a dance..." "im not sure what a theme of a dance has to do with me being able to dance?" How does Emily think that a theme, a story is going to magically heal my ankle? "The theme of the dance will be about a dancer who gets sick and ends up loosing her leg, she thinks she will never get to dance again till she meets hope,   a dancer who takes her through life and shows her the Beauty in it and how everything happens for a reason she ends up falling madly in love with him but she finds her self trapped by fear and has to break out of her shell in order to be with him." Everyone's face was in ah! "Finn came up with that?" Richelle asked in shock standing towards the front of the stage. "Yes he did." Emily agreed "Finn as in that Finn" "as in pipers boyfriend Finn?" Ozzy and Kingston stuttered "yes THAT Finn." Emily smirked "piper as long as your up for it... we want you to be the hurt dancer and scenes Finn came up with the idea and you guys have so much chemistry, we want him to be hope!" They are making a dance just so I can be able to dance at dance mania I thought that they would all be made at me for what happened but there not there trying to help me. "Really? You want me to be hope? YES!        Piper you have to do this, this is what we wanted!!" I don't know what to do I do want to dance on dance mania and to be the lead of the dance! And to dance with Finn.....  That's amazing but what if I mess it up.        I look at Finn and- and "ya I'll- I'll do it!!" "YESS piper!!" Everyone is so excited! I just hope that I don't ruin it. "We'll do the first rehearsals for the dance tomorrow, so get some sleep!" Emily stated before she walked out. "I think that this calls for a celebration!!" Henry yelled over everyone who was talking about the dance. Then everyone yells "PIZZA!!" I love this team so much I really hope I don't let them down, because it wouldn't be the first time......

After we all eat pizza we headed back to the hotel. "Hey pipes, you coming up to the room?" I did want to go to the room but, I felt like I needed some time by myself. "Umm no I- I think I'm gonna stay here for a while." "Do you want some company?" As much as I wanted to spend time with Finn, and believe me I really wanted to spend time with Finn! I think I need some alone time. "No thank you Finn but, you need rest." He gave a slight smile "ok pipes"  after that it was just me in the lobby, I know I shouldn't think the things I was because it will just make my anxiety worse but, what if I mess up, or what if all the dancers are mad about me becoming the star of the dance, and- and I still need to find a way to tell finn I love him!! I don't know if I can though I mean it's not that I don't I do! But what if he doesn't feel the same I- I would be humiliated. "Hey piper are you ok?" I snapped out of my deep thought, I turned to see who was asking if I was good, it was heath? "Ya I'm fine." "You sure?" Yes thank you!" "Of course have a good night!" I smiled as he walked away and got in the elevator. I need to think of a way to control my anxiety!! After what felt like minutes that turned out to be hours. I finally headed back to my hotel room, Amy was already asleep in her bed, and Finn was asleep in mine, some how I knew he was going to be waiting on me to go to bed. I stood there looking at him for a little while, he always looked so peaceful when he slept he was so calm which is nothing like when he was awake. After I struggled to put on my pjs, I hoped over to the bed and leaned my crutches against the night stand. I pulled the blankets up on the side Finn wasn't on and made my way into the bed the only way I was comfortable that night was facing Finn witch was odd because usually I want his arms around me. "Pipes" Finn whispers opening his eyes "hey baby" I replied letting him know I was ok. "are you better know?" I knew he would think that something was wrong I mean he was right but... "yes I'm all good." "Pipes your lying" I looked down trying not to make eye contact, he took his hand and pulled my chin up, "look at me" I looked up catching the glare of his blue eyes "you are going to nail the dance, and win us dance mania ok?" "Ya but-" "no.   no but's your a great dancer." I knew he was just trying to make me feel better but,    I believed him!   "Ok" he leaned up to kiss my forehead, and after he did I scooted down so that way my head was even with his chest and he pulled me closer raping me in his arms as I laid my head on him. I don't really know how to explain it but, when I'm in his arms I feel, safe and like nothing else matters. I felt him lay his head down on the top of my head more relaxed and his breathing got deeper. I felt even more relaxed and I couldn't even think straight I closed my eyes and immediately fell to sleep. When I woke up I was still in Finns arms but now my back was to him and his arm was under my head. I really didn't feel like getting up, all I wanted to do was lay in Finns arms nothing else mattered. All of a sudden Finns arm slid out from under my head gently lying my head down on the pillow. His arm slid under me around my waist and pulled me closer to him and he laid his head on mine, "hey pipes? You awake?" "Yes, are you?" I felt a smile start to form on my face. "Partly." He replied with a small laugh sneaking out at the end of his sentence. "Hey, Where's Amy?" I hadn't even noticed that Amy wasn't in her bed, she wasn't even in the room! "Umm i don't know!" I pulled one of my arms out of the tight hold Finn had around me and grabbed my phone from the night stand. "9:30?      9:30!" The time on the phone was 9:30 alright and rehearsals started in 10 minutes!! "Finn come on we got to get up and get ready!!" "Pipes calm down rehearsals start at 10:00" "what, Finn no they start at 9:40!" "Oh shoot- piper come on we have to get ready why are you still in bed?!?" He yelled as he jumped out of the bed and took off his shirt, and grabbed the one he had in his bag out. "Piper? What are you doing come on you need to get ready!" I snapped out of my daiz, I realized that I had just been watching Finn get ready the hole time instead of getting my self ready! I jumped up grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom I Hurd Finn let out a confused giggle, I turned around and smirked at him as I shut the door. I was able to take of my sleep pants without falling, I was very proud of myself!! I took of my t-shirt but when I did I lost my balance, luckily I caught myself on the counter knocking the soup of and making a crash. "Piper?? Are you ok?" I Hurd the worry in his voice. "I'm fine finn!" I assured him. "Ok just.      Be careful.. are you sure you're ok? Do you need help?" I laughed loud enough so he can hear me, "no Finn I'm good!" As I finally slipped my new shirt but,     I couldn't pull down the back it got caught on my braw, and I did need Finns help. I opened the door with a defeated look on my face. "You need help!" He laughed "will just help me." I rolled my eyes and turned around for him to fix it. After he got it loose he held my waist as I turned around "but it's gonna cost you..." he slid one of his arms up to my cheek and I felt his lips softly touch mine, after we pulled away I looked into his eyes and leaned in to kiss him again but after 2 seconds he pulled away "Piper we don't have time for this we have rehearsals!" He smirked handing me my crutches, and then grabbed both of our bags that he packed when i was in the bathroom and opened the door, gesturing for me to go ahead.

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