Chapter 6: PARTY FINN

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Why did piper break up with me? Did I do something wrong? I should have gave her more space!      All these thoughts were going through my head. All I wanted to do was be with piper, we were finally together after everything that happened this year. I was sitting on a bench in the lobby of the hotel, listening to music, waiting on the bus to get to rehearsals all the guys where a couple feet in front of me laughing and hanging out but, I really didn't feel good enough to hang out with them. I barley slept last night, all I could think about was how sad piper was and how the tears where falling down her cheeks. Then I felt piper, don't ask me how she was all the way across the room but.   It felt like she was right next to me,  I smiled trying to get her to return it but, she just acted like she didn't see me.  But I know she did. Why was she doing this, she's the one who broke up with me, we have the featured duet in the group dance, we need to be at least friends again.

"Please Emily!! After they will work extra hard!?" "No! No it's not happening they need to rehearse!" Emily and nick argued coming into the hotel. "Please, please, pleaseeeeeese-" "OK! Ok, fine!" Emily waved her hand telling nick to go ahead. "Thank you! OK everyone ok, gather round!" Nick said gesturing for us to gather around. After everyone was standing aroumd him curious to what he was talking about, he started telling us what the news was. "So me and Emily thought that it would be a great idea" "um no NICK thought that it was a good idea." "Oh yes, umm anyway.     I thoug ht that we should all have a little 'good luck celebration' before dance mania tomorrow!" Everyone was so happy and started clapping 'this is gonna be sick' 'wait what am I supposed to we're?' Every one was static but all I could think about was my break up with piper. I didn't realize that I was staring at her till she looked at me, her face started to get red, and she quickly turned around, I felt bad I knew that I embarrassed her. Then Kingston asked "Hey should we get dates?"  "Umm yes why not, that sounds lovely!" Everyone started talking again. "Wait!? If this 'party' does happen.     After it we all need to be on your a game! And we won't stop rehearsing till it is perfect for it?!" Emily states with a tone that even Richelle was scared of! "Yes ma'am!" All of a troupe replied being silent till she stepped out of the room then they all went crazy again.. all I wanted to do was go with piper I know that she just broke my hart but.                  I love her...      out the corner of my eye I see piper talking to heath then she starts laughing, what are they talking about? Heath got up and walked away, piper looked at me and I tried to get her to smile again but again she just walked away and ignored me. I don't know what I'm going to do, piper is my soulmate my one and only and if she Dosent think so then.... I don't know.    Maybe.     It.    Wasn't.   Meant.     To be after al- "hey Finn!" Richelle Walks up time me with a smile on her face. But I'm not really in the mood. "Richelle I'm not really-" "i don't want to hear your excuses right now!" "But" "you want to go to the party with me?" What why was richelle asking me to go to the party wasn't there some sort of 'girl code' or something? "But piper and I just broke up and" "Finn I'm just talking about going as friends, calm down!" She rolled her eyes. "Umm ya I guess.." "good pick me up at Amy's room at 8:00!" "Ok" "and wear some sort of dark blue so we Mach a little!" Ok so it looks like I'm going to the dance with Richelle.

So I found a shirt to wear to the party! It's a dark blue button up with long sleeves, and some black pants. Richelle better be happy that my favorite color is blue other wise she would NOT be matching me. I was supposed to pick her up from pipers and Amy's room, apparently all the girls were getting dressed in there... I just hope I don't run into piper and that she is long gone by then. I'm not sure I can handle seeing her- wait where is my shoe? I have one show but....  I still need the other one! "Hey dude I'm gonna go pick up lily you comin?" "Ya just let me find my other shoe!!" "You want me to help look?" In all honesty I could really use the help but "um I think lily would be upset if you were late so you better go!" "Your right! Sorry bro" "it's good" Kingston walked out the door shouting it behind him. But I can't find my shoe is it in my bag, no! Is it by the door? No! Wait under the bed!! Yes! Thank god richelle would kill me if I was any latter. After I put the shoe on I grab my keys off of the hook on the door, when I do I see pipers necklace that I hooked on there when she broke up with me, I couldn't get myself to give it to her, not yet at least. I walk out the door and lock it. When I walk up to the girls door, all.   Of.   The.  Boys are standing out side... what's going on. When I walk up behind them Amy looks at me, "uh Finn who are you here for?" Amy asked me you would think with home much these girls talk to each other they would know. "Um, Richelle." Then she puts one finger up and shuts the door, what in the-  "hey you look good dude!" Henry said to me "thanks dude you look pretty snazzy to!" Then we all stood there awkwardly until, they opened the door they all were standing there but my eyes automatically went to piper! She looked amazing like she always does and I- I have NVER seen her in a dress like that, I just wish she was going with me... Richelle was the first one out the door, she hooked her arm through mine and steered me down the hall way. "You did a pretty ok job matching...." "Thank you!" That was a BIG complement coming from Richelle! We got on the bus to go to the place that nick booked for the party! Me and Richelle sat in the direct middle of the bus, that's just automatically we're I went because that's were piper ALWAYS sits so I was used to it, even before we started dating. I'm have to admit I couldn't get comfy I tried turning my head to the back of the bus, the front, and then the side was a perfect place the lighting the way she smiled, the way she had her hair pulled back, the way- oops! No not piper....uhh.     Um-      Richelle!!             It was totally piper! I just wanted to be here with her, be able to tell her that the dress she was wearing looked amazing, but she would have looked great in anything! That she should have her hair down, but if that's how she likes it I do to! That the make up was amazing, but she looked better without it! I- I just want to be here with piper! I was deep in thought when I caught her glare, she was looking at me! But why? I wish everything was like it was before! Me, her going to this party together, and it would be like we were the only people! Then I realized that me and her were still staring at each other     I got lost in her eyes like I always do. Then she got worried I wish I knew what was going through her head right now I- I wish I could tell her everything is going to be ok that I- I love her and I don't ever want to let her go but I can't because.          Because I'm     Im to late. Piper turned her head away and started talking to heath, she's smiling, that's good right?

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