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"Tiana, wake the hell up we are at school already!" Tasia yelled as she shook her sister for the 5th time

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"Tiana, wake the hell up we are at school already!" Tasia yelled as she shook her sister for the 5th time. "No..." Tiana whined as she curled up into a ball. "Wake your ass up, Kageyama is here~" Tasia whispered in a last attempt, "Huh?!" Tiana got up, her eyes wide and cheeks pink as she glanced around nervously.

"BHAHAHAHA!" Tasia was practically rolling on the ground at her sister's expression, not expecting her joke to work. "He's not here, I was kidding," She continued to laugh at her sister's face, now smirking once she noticed the faint red along her face. "Do you like him or something?" She giggled as she poked Tiana's side. "N-no! Kageyama-kun scares me..." She pouted as she looked towards the ground. It's not like she didn't like the boy, but he never smiled and is always yelling at Hinata, what else was she supposed to think?

"How can you be scared of that dipshit? The only scary thing about him are his crazy accurate sets, but you can do that too," Tasia sighed at her sister's stupidity. Tiana nodded as Tasia ruffled her hair as she pushed her sister along. Tasia sighed knowing that it was going to be a long day.

Tiana dozed off, staring out the window. Lunch had started and she didn't know if she wanted to head to the Cafe. Begrudgingly, Tiana picked up her bag before heading out the door. As she turned a corner she heard her name being called out. "Tiana-san! Wait a moment!" Tiana turned around to see Kageyama jogging towards her. Tiana's face flared as she froze up. "K-kageyama-san?" Kageyama huffed lightly once he reached the lavender-haired girl. After catching his breath he bowed in front of the girl.

"D-do you want to practice with me? I owe you milk too from the last time," He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as he looked down at the shorter girl.

"Sure, K-kageyama-kun," Her reply was more of a whisper as she looked anywhere but his face.
The boy turned around, walking out of the classroom as he glanced behind himself expectantly. "Are you coming or not?" He asked once he noticed her still in the same place.
"Y-yeah!" Tiana exclaimed, although her voice was still quiet.

The pair had bought their milk and were now tossing a volleyball back and forth. "So judging by your speech, you're a setter?" Kageyama could tell how comfortable she was with the ball as she propelled it forward using only her fingertips. It wouldn't take a genius to tell that she had been playing for a while. "Y-yeah! I learnt most of my skills from Tasia's ex boyfriend and his buddy though," Tiana smiled a bit, "H-how about you Kageyama-kun?"

Despite agreeing to spend lunch with him, he still scared her. "Why are you always stuttering?" The raven haired boy glanced at the girl confused, "Are you scared of me or something?" He chucked a bit, "N-no!" Tiana jumped back at his question, not wanting him to yell at her like he did to Hinata. "Are you sure?" Kageyama continued to pry. By her reaction, he knew he scared her but he wanted to hear it from her. "Y-yes!" She stuttered again, Tobio now smiling a bit as he caught the ball, halting their rally. "Boke, if you're scared of me yelling at you, I won't." By now he was in front of her, his hand having a mind of its own as he awkwardly patted her head, "there there?" His words made Tiana laugh as she looked up at him, "Baka, I'm not crying," Kageyama's face turned red at her response as he slowly retracted his hand.

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