Bad to Worse

23 4 1

A.N ( Chapter is quite long let me know what you think)


I rushed out the door to the principle's office. Hoping he had some idea of what was going on.This kind of weather doesn't just happen in an instant.

My mind flew to witches or warlocks but they don't attack unless provoked. Which meant someone either provoked them or they are just declaring war on my pack.

I entered the office and saw an alarmed looking principal staring out the window.

"Witches?" I questioned as I walked up to him staring at the worsening weather.

He was a very brilliant scholar of the pack and had knowledge in many supernatural things. We would prefer him to be at the pack house as an adviser but he prefers to be in with the young pups and help them get a great education.

"Alpha, but then that idea hardly made any sense, because witches are so rare now they have become a thing of legend. Most witches were hunted and killed in fear of their power." He moved from the window and rushed in his office and returned shortly after with a book in hand.

I watched as he scanned through the book and stopped on a page with fear filled eyes."The rarest kind of witches and warlocks who were known as Elementals were feared  most amongst all- " he paused from reading and looked at me. "If this is indeed witches, this is the only kind that has enough power to do this."

"Elementals?" I have never heard of different kinds of witches far less for an elemental witch.

"While most witches have just a bit of magic in them even at a mature age and use their ancestors, magical objects  and other things to boost their power. These witches are usually known as light or dark witches."

"Elementals are born already with a mature witch or warlock magic level. Born of pure magic and can not only control by amplify the magic in and around them. The purest form of magic, nature itself. A mature   elemental  can cause an earthquake strong enough to destroy a city in a second."

"Well then, we're screwed," Winter joked entering the office causing me to glare at him.
"Hey, I mean we are supernatural but what could we do against that?"

"Elementals, were driven by emotions which led to their down fall. Consumed by the magic and emotions most elementals destroyed themselves and everything around them. The remaining were hunted out of fear of their destructive magic."

"All elemental witches were born with fiery hair. Which was a reminder to all of the hell fire of emotions and magic that fueled the strongest witches- "

"Hold on," I interrupted his reading and walked outside after hearing various doors opening and closing amongst the bad weather. I walked into the hallway and bumped into someone and the tingles all over my body could only mean my mate.

"Sorry," she muttered and walked past me like I didn't even exist.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I walked towards her.

"I know! Come on where are you ?" She said to herself. She seemed as though she wasn't even here in mentally, her mind seemed far off.

I asked again if she was okay and instead of ignoring me this time she took me by surprise and turnt around and pushed me on the ground.

I sat in the floor in utter surprise. " How the fuck did she do that ?" Winter questioned as he walk up behind me.

I shook my head and we followed her quickly. An alarm went off making us lose her  to people crowding the halls but I followed her odd scent to classroom.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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