Daniel Smith

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Name: "I'm Daniel Smith."
Hero/Villian Name: "Oh well the public calls me father nature. No one, well except you now I guess, knows I am them though. I consider myself a hero."
Gender: "I'm trans female to male."
Age: "Why though?"
Sexuality: "Easy. I am Demisexual."
Nationality: "African American and Japanese."
Species: "Human."
Quirk: "Oh easy! I have the quirk of controlling the four main elements. Water, air, fire, and Earth!"
Other: He has Vitiligo but covers it up with makeup because he is self-conscious about it because people made fun of him as he grew up. He tries to he sweet and always have a smile on his face but that doesn't always work because he has panic attack and flashbacks on the regular. He hates lightning and thunder, it terrifies him. Despite that he loves the rain. He punches himself sometimes. This happens either because he I having an episode or cause he's bored. He likes to cause pain to himself when he is bored, or he might draw and write a song. Even in aus where he is under 21 as long as he is past 12 he drinks, smokes, and gets high, and he has a few tattoos. People think he is innocent but honestly is deadly and kind of dark. He loves hedgehogs, turtles, flamingos, raccoons, and don't get him started on foxes. He has almost died several times. When he was a kid and his powered weren't under his control really the house caught on fire. He tried to put it out but failed. This took his mom's life. His dad was verbally abusive before his mom's death and became physical after it. His dad is why he hates his Vitiligo.


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