Alison Rodgers

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Name: "I am Alison Rodgers but you can call me Ali."
Hero/Villian Name: "My hero name is Ivy"
Gender: "I'm female!"
Age: "Umm... Why?"
Sexuality: "Oh! I'm Bi but lean more towards girls."
Nationality: "African American and Italian."
Species: "Nature Deer gijinka!"
Quirk: "I can summon plant creatures and I can have vines come from my fingertips."
In her universe (when not in a fandom) there are things called pures. They are born with white in their hair and one white eye, this means their story has already been written and is happy. Their stories can be affected though and Alison's was. You can tell because her white eye has turned black but she hides it. Usually she keeps her antlers and tail hidden. She selfharms often. She hates her parents. They abused her than abandoned her. The mafia took her in to take care of her so she doesn't like people saying the mafia only cares for money. She is a part of the mafia now and is the co-owner. She is sensitive around her tail. She gets embarrassed easily and tries to hide it. Her favorite thing to do is sing. She likes singing so much she actually became a singer. She is kinda famous but not to much. She loves chocolate and chicken nuggets. She has a hard time expressing her feelings but tries her best.


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