Chapter 3

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"I can not believe how much money he has made in the past three years and the two of you still live in a dump like that," Aires, the brunette beauty in our family, commented as her massage began. They came all the way from New York City to take me to a spa. They wanted a Girls' Day and apparently, this torture was their idea of fun. Do not get me wrong, I like to be pretty and noticeable, but I do not have to overpay to look that way. I usually use my so-called natural beauty to get me through the week or month.

"And you make more money now too, Sydney. That job with the Slasher's has really increased your income," my blonde, oldest sister added in. Truthfully, the job I took to become a photographer for the hockey team has really increased my personal budget. Micah's has increased as well because he became Captain. But none of that mattered, not to us. But it did to my sisters. They lived in New York City where an address can define your lifestyle and friends. Paris would have gotten nowhere if her address had not been in the Upper East Side and Aires lives in Soho, the artist's haven of NYC. Personally, I am still young enough that it does not matter where I live as long as I have a good roof over my head and my best friend as my roommate. Since I have both, I see no reason to move from our perfectly good apartment, well, unless we can buy a house. I would much prefer a house to an apartment, but until then, I love the place I live. I know all of our neighbors and I can easily ask for a couple eggs or something if I'm in a bind which is super convenient. I know Paris only knows her next door neighbor because it is Drew Stevens and Aires knows no one besides her live-in boyfriend, Daniel Stevens. And Micah doesn't care as long as he has a bed to crash in after a game. Therefore, the apartment is great for us.

"Do not diss my apartment, I pay half of everything. Can you say the same about your place in NYC, Aires? We both know that Paris pays everything herself, but can you say that, A?" I gave her grief.

"No, but I have a great, personal relationship with my roomie. It is a relationship that is far from whatever you call that platonic thing you and Micah have going on. I don't even think you two know what a non-platonic relationship is."

"Maybe we are in a relationship you don't know about," I mumbled under my breath but loud enough that Paris's super ears picked up on it.

"Are you and Micah in a relationship we should know about, baby sister?" Paris questioned and looked at me from her spot on my left. I could also feel Aires eyes boggling at the idea of a non-platonic relationship between Micah and me.

"No, but something did happen that I have been dreaming of for a while now."

"What happened?" my eldest sister pushed for an answer with a weird gleam in her eyes.

"He gave me his birthday gift to me – thank you, Paris – and I cried when I saw Mom and Dad's pages. He held me close and then we kissed right before the two of you showed up. Great timing, by the way," I told them more enthused at the ending. I wasn't one to talk about boys with my sisters usually, but it wasn't just any boy, it was Micah, my best friend, who kissed me.

"Now you are wondering where it is going to go, aren't you? It is reasonable to want to know, Syd, but we can't tell you because everyone is different, even the Stevens' boys. Drew and Daniel are completely different in their romantic lives. Aires and I have shared stories and nothing really compares between them," Paris shared.

"Danny was also adopted at ten years old," I pointed out that there could be a reason for their romantic differences.

"Oh, but everything else about them is very similar. Even how they have sex," I coughed up a fake hair ball and our massage therapists chuckled softly.

"Miss Worth, your massage is complete. They are waiting for you in facials down the hall," Paris's masseuse said. Aires and I were told the same thing and so we pulled on our robes before slipping into the slippers and heading down the hallway.

"How can they be so similar? They are completely different men," I threw out there as I revealed my innocence on the topic. The girls turned to stare at me and I felt myself blush. Yes, I am a virgin, and yes, I read things, but I still don't get it.

"It's how they were taught. Either Mr. Stevens told them all the same things or they watched the same movies," Aires said.

We made it to the facials room and took seats in the same order as before, one of them on either side of me. The facialists introduced themselves to us before they got started. Our conversations ended until we had green gunk masks covering our faces and were left alone for them to set.

"So, how do you want this thing with Micah to go, Sydney? Do you want a relationship with him? The two of you are the closest out of all of us; would you want to risk your friendship?"

"I have never wanted anything like I want a relationship with Micah. Is that bad?" I was confident, but worried when I answered Paris's question.

"No, it will just mean that much more when the two of you do enter a non-platonic relationship. Just be careful. You know how the Stevens are integrated into our lives. We wouldn't want a bad breakup to tear apart our family. We would choose you over him, but we won't give up the entire Stevens family, do you understand that?" Paris warned. I just nodded and let my mind wander to all the possibilities that could lie in my future with Micah at my side. Things like getting married and having a family topped the charts at the best things I dreamt about.

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