Chapter 19

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The wedding was quickly upon us. Relatives had flown in from multiple cities, the boys drove them to their designated hotels, and the girls finished the details. Micah and I saw many of the relatives as they stayed in the same hotel as we did, it was weird to exit our room and see a familiar face, let me tell you.

Aires put me in charge of two things, well three. I was to taste each food and the cake to make sure that it would fit Aires wishes, because she refused to eat it until the day of the wedding in case she gained weight. I, on the other hand, was allowed to gain weight, 'for the baby' she claimed when putting me in charge of those things. My last duty, directing the set up for the reception hall.

It was the day before the wedding that I was allowed to have everyone decorate. The company that was in charge of the decorating was very gracious and always asked me before doing anything. I was the only one who knew exactly what my sister wanted and they did want to upset the bride on her special day. I made sure that it was exactly what she wanted. It ended up being bright, beautiful, and what my sister has dreamed of since she was little. That was what she told me when she came to check on things later that day. I felt very proud of myself and my directing skills when she complimented me on how beautiful it was.

That evening was the rehearsal dinner. I had gone from the reception hall to the church in record time. I changed into my rehearsal outfit there, in the bathroom which was actually very clean, before joining the wedding party at the most opportune moment.

Micah and I were a pair walking down the aisle. We were in the middle of our siblings. First was Mia and Dallas, then Micah and I, and to finish were the best man and the maid of honor, Drew and Paris. The flower girl, a cousin of the Stevens', our cousin Cole for the ring bearer followed them. The little kids were really adorable at five and six years old.

Aires declared everything to be perfect after sharing a 'practice' kiss with Danny at the altar. We then headed to dinner where the extended families were waiting for us. Aires chose an Italian restaurant for the rehearsal dinner seeing as the wedding's meal would be a chicken or steak with no pasta at all. Aires herself only ate a salad, trying to keep her figure perfect before the big day. The rest of us had no problem eating her share of pasta.

Paris made her speech as the maid of honor about how happy she was that Aires found her happiness. Than Mrs. and Mr. Stevens' welcomed Aires to the family officially and Drew made his best man's speech. I went last in the speeches.

"Danny, do you remember the first time you met my dad? What were you doing? Do you remember?" his face went red. I smiled in satisfaction that he actually remembered.

"I was kissing Aires," he said with a grin and wrapped his arms tighter around my sister before placing a kiss on her cheek. The pair looked really happy and was waiting for me to continue.

"Yes, you were. Do you remember what he said to you?" he shook his head. "Maybe he said it once you left, but he said to Aires first, 'was that your first kiss, young lady?' she nodded.'Well than, you should know that someday you are going to marry that boy. Well, unless he does something to hurt you because then I'll kill him.'" The room filled with laughter as they remembered my father and his bluntness. "My point here is that our dad knew you were going to be the man for Aires. I don't know how he knew, or if he was just trying to get you and Aires to stop kissing. But he was right. And I am glad. You make my sister really happy. I can't imagine anyone else doing such a great job making her happy, it is not easy, sorry big sister. Anyways, welcome to the family, Danny. You would have had our parents' approval, I am sure of it," I let out some tears and Danny left my sister's side to give me a hug. He thanked me for the speech on their behalf. Once he let go of me, Aires was there to fill my arms again.

"How did you remember that?" she asked, tears evident in her eyes, although she was trying to not let them show.

"I wrote it down back then. When Micah and I moved out of the apartment, I came across it and realized how important it was to say. Dad really knew. They are proud of you, Aires, I know they are." She cried and cursed at me for causing her to let them all out. I just smiled in my tears.

"I hate you for making me cry. Just wait until it is your turn. You are going to be in hysterics," she dared me. I was just glad that Micah and I agreed on a courthouse wedding rather than this big and over the top production that Aires preferred. Not that she knew that yet. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too. Now, go dance with him," she smiled and ran off to dance with her fiancée at the dance floor in the middle of the room. The band kicked up the tempo and had most of the room dancing by the end of the night.

The next morning was crazy busy. We headed off to our nail appointments first. Aires got a French manicure with blue tips for her something blue. The rest of us got a solid lavender to match the color of our dresses, per A's request. Next we headed to the hair appointments. Aires wanted up and so ours were down. Last was her makeup, which she asked to do herself. She caked it all on and did not try for the natural look. But I did.

The ceremony itself was absolutely gorgeous. Nothing went wrong, the rings even made it to the bride and groom. They had recited their own vows and there was not a dry eye in the church. I was lucky my makeup stayed the way I wanted it to after all the tears I shed.

We headed to the reception after getting the pictures of the wedding party taken. Danny and Aires looked extremely happy the entire time. We ate the meal, which was quite perfect, and listened to more speeches. I did not make one this evening.

Aires got even more happy and excited when Drew dropped to one knee to propose to Paris after the main course and the speeches. Both couples were elated with the turnout of the night. I, on the other hand, was just happy to see them happy. Micah was concerned that I might be upset to be the only Worth girl without a ring, but I wasn't. I was just fine the way my relationship was. I felt no need to rush into a marriage. I already got what I wanted, Micah and a family. Our child together would prove that to everyone who was concerned that we did not love each other.

We danced the evening away, I shared many dances with the Stevens' boys, my brother, and even Mr. Stevens. But my favorite dance was with my sisters. We were all just so happy and carefree during that dance to the song I Like It by Enrique Iglesias, that nothing else mattered but us.

We wished the newlywed couple well on their honeymoon to Buenos Aires later that evening. It was the one place that Aires had insisted that she went to before starting a family and Danny thought it best to go there for their honeymoon. It was the place our parents like so much that they named A after it, so she wanted to see it for herself.

It was bittersweet, going back to the hotel that night. I was not upset that my sisters were engaged and married, no that was not it. It was bittersweet because this meant that the end of our sisterly relationship was near. I am five months pregnant, Aires could start a family at any time, and Paris would now start planning her winter wedding. We would hardly have enough time to spare to see each other.

Micah noticed my down emotions and suggested that we go for a swim in the hotel's pool. I agreed and we swam for an hour, mostly kissing, but it was distracting enough to make me forget about my sisters for the rest of the night.

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