Chapter 16

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The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed. There were machines beeping, people rushing about the halls, and a voice talking to me. I recognized it immediately. It was the one voice I had been clinging to for the last few years of my young life.

"They don't know if you can hear me, but I just want you to know that I love you. You are my best friend and I have never depended on anyone like I do on you. You light up my day with your smile, it really is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, well, that and your eyes. And you are the most beautiful Worth girl, no matter what my brothers think. You are drop dead gorgeous in comparison to your sisters." I thought he was done and I almost opened my eyes, but he continued through the sobs. His hand gripped mine. "You were the one all my teammates talked about in the locker room, did you know that? They like how your ass looks in your Dockers. I tried to get them to stop, but they are just pigs. Once we became a thing, though, they quit. But you were the most popular person ever."

"I was, was I?" I commented before opening my eyes. Micah's eyes were big and puffy. He stood, not letting go of my hand, and moved some hair off of my forehead gently.

"Oh, Sydney, I thought I was losing you." His lips crashed to my forehead and I smiled lightly. I was enjoying the moment until a nurse appeared out of nowhere in the room.

"Miss Worth, how are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" she questioned as she looked at all the machines I was connected to on my left side. It was the side closest to the door; I noticed then that there were a lot of flowers on my right on the window ledge. There were also some cards and presents wrapped in goodie bags. I then looked at myself. I had a bigger belly than I remembered and had a casted leg. Otherwise, I seemed to be okay.

"Not that I notice, what happened? Is the baby alright?"

"You don't remember anything, babe?" Micah asked with concern written on his beautiful face. I looked at him before I was hit with a feeling, well, a memory.

"Wait; is this from what happened on New Year's Eve? If not, I do not remember a thing. Did he hurt me? Micah, please tell me everything. Especially about how the baby is doing," I pleaded with him. He looked into my eyes and sighed before speaking up.

"He was there, in the apartment when you got back from the police station. He held you at knife point and forced you into his car where we think he knocked you out somehow. Then he held you hostage for three weeks in his basement upstate. You have been in a coma for two weeks. I don't know how you don't remember. It must have been horrifying. I was miserable without you here. What do you remember?" The nurse moved around my bed, moving some of my body parts, looking for responses. She took my blood pressure and pulse oxygen level before leaving the room. "The baby is doing well. The only thing the bastard did was feed you right. You are about ten weeks or so now. The doctor said your belly is a little swollen still, you really have not gained that much weight, I promise. Oh, and you are probably wondering about the cast. When the police went to rescue you from the demented asshole, he pushed you down a flight of stairs. You only broke your leg and two ribs which is why your belly is swollen. I am just glad that was all it was. We might not have a baby to talk about otherwise. Do you feel like I might have left something out?" he babbled and ran a hand through his hair that was getting wavy from being too long. He desperately needed a haircut.

"I think you covered everything that I asked for. How did you handle everything? Please tell me you are still employed as a hockey player? You didn't quit or get fired, did you?"

"No, babe, I am still employed. They put me on the physically unable to perform list, though, it is for mental reasons rather than physical. I was doing more harm than good on the ice. I asked to be taken out because I wanted what was best for the team. And I was not it, not on the ice. I still try and go to practices and watch the games, to boost morale, but I don't play. The team knew that they could not force me into sitting on the bench, so I did it willingly. I have been here ever since you got here. I have only gone home to shower and change. Oh, we don't live at the apartment anymore either. Allie and your sisters have sat with you while I wasn't here. I should probably call to tell them that you woke up. They will be pissed otherwise. They are probably passed out at the house, I can't blame them. They stayed with you while I was at last night's game."

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