Chapter 12

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The next month and a half brought the holidays. I was not looking forward to going back to Montreal, unfortunately for me; I could not get out of it because Micah's schedule happened to work out. He had no games for the three days before Christmas or the day after. It was my worst luck.

Truthfully, I would rather stay in the apartment, just Micah and I snuggled under blankets for the few days that we could just spend time together. I felt like I was getting sick as well, so I was really not in the mood to fly.

Either way, I still had to get on the plane to Montreal two days before Christmas. Micah and I left Pennsylvania behind. I watched the ground slowly fade away as the plane drifted higher and higher. We were going to Montreal, a place that I hated. Especially when my entire family and his were there, between Mrs. Stevens and my sisters, I would be lucky to make it out alive.

I was happy to see that Drew and Dallas had come to get us from the airport rather than one of my sisters, or worse, both. It is an hour's drive from the airport to the small town in the outskirts of the metropolis that would get us to their house. If my sisters had been in the car, I would have been driven crazy prior to leaving the airport parking lot.

I hugged both men while Micah did the man hug or whatever they do. I then started to question my youngest sibling as to what he has been up to as we headed to the Stevens' Suburban in the parking lot. It was pretty far out, but we managed to huff it all the way out in good time.

Dallas told me all about his senior year in New York, his long distance relationship with Mia, and about his decision to attend Hudson University in the fall. He also made mention of the fact that I was his favorite sister because I'm not obnoxious like the other two. That made me a little more comfortable to walk into the Stevens' house when we arrived. I already felt that the car ride was too quick as Dallas filled me in, but when it showed up in view, I was not ready.

The house was just as I remembered from last Christmas. By that, I mean nothing has changed. They still displayed the same outdoor decorations and once inside, I noted that the same pictures hung on the walls and the tree was an exact replica of last season's. It was tacky if you asked me.

Dallas took my bags upstairs with Micah, but I did not shed my coat right away. I was bombarded by my sisters before I had the chance to.

"Sydney!" Aires yelled from the top of the stairs before racing down and around Dallas to give me a hug. Danny came down a little after and I knew exactly what the couple had been up to in his bedroom. They thought they had not been caught, but I knew. Micah and Dallas came back down and everyone said their hellos.

"Where's Paris?" I questioned a minute later because usually Paris was the first to say anything to me when I arrived, especially since it has been two months since I last saw her. Aires shrugged as did Drew since he was with us. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens popped out of the kitchen, but Paris was still nowhere to be seen.

Drew stepped away to take a phone call which went unnoticed by everyone except me. He came back with a smile on his face, it was almost mischievous. I was really confused.

"Aires, I think you have an early Christmas present in the garage, I think it was your name. Or maybe it was Danny's?" Drew told us all and Aires gave him a weird look before heading out to the garage with no coat. I kept mine clutched closer to me as everyone followed A out the door.

I noticed on the way out that Danny was not with us and Micah's hand found mine as we actually entered the garage.

Once inside, we saw that the garage was covered in twinkling lights and there were flower petals covering the asphalt. In the middle of the mess, Danny sat on one knee. Aires went to him, obviously trying not to cry as she knew exactly what was about to happen.

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