Chapter 18

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The month of February slipped by slowly. Micah stayed home with me until the end of the month, which just made the days seem longer than they actually were. I got my cast off right before he went back to skating too, so that was part of his decision to go back. I was just grateful to not be limited to places I could get on my crutches and to have Micah out of the house for more than an hour at a time.

I went to his first game back and cheered him on, baby belly and all. No one noticed though, as I hid the bump under his game worn jersey that was way too big for a girl my size.

The test results came back on our baby and there was a possibility that there would be a defect, but they would not know until I gave birth in four and a half months or so. It worried me, but Micah did his best to distract me every chance he got.

Once out of my cast, they put me in a walking boot. I will admit that it sucks, but it was a lot better getting around in the boot than on crutches. I was now allowed to venture to the grocery store by myself and to doctors' appointments when Micah was not able to be there.

I did not retake my post as team photographer, per Micah's request, because I was not stable enough to be near anything slippery. That included the water that could be drug up on the area around the rink. I did some private photo shoots indoors for something to do, but Micah limited those as well. His reason being that I should not be on my feet for that long. I was just tired of everything he had to say.

As for the case against my attacker, they found a name for him, but he has not been arrested. I was, however, reassured that when they do find him, that he would not live to see a day outside of a cell ever again. They had a fool-proof case against him. That did make me somewhat happy.

March was much the same. I was limited to the number of clients I could see and I went to many doctors' appointments. The doctors I saw for my leg said that it was healing really well and that I should be out of the walking boot by Aires wedding, which made my sister leap for joy when I called to inform her of that. She was worried that my boot would be seen in the pictures and it was ruining everything apparently. So, she was really excited about my boot coming off. I was just happy that I could wear real shoes. I would have to wear something flat, but that was better than the boot, that is for sure.

Micah and I decided to be surprised when the doctor asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. Mrs. Stevens had been hoping that we would want to know so that she could buy appropriate gifts, but we did not. She got over it and was excited about the fact that I was forgiving her. It was really not much of a choice. After I left the hospital, I realized how precious life is and that I should let everything be by-gones. Nothing was that important to lose family over. So, I started to call her myself and give her updates on my condition. We talked over the smallest things and were getting along really well.

I postponed my trip to New York until April seeing as I was having a tough time getting around and did not want to fly to that city in that condition. Aires agreed to that and changed our shopping trip to Montreal instead. That way I would only have to have one flight there and back, no hassle of New York either. I was set to meet them the first week of April so we could finish last minute details. Paris would fly in the weekend that I did and go back after the weekend until the day before the wedding because of work. Aires was not particularly happy about that, but she did understand. Aires was happy that she was her own boss for that reason alone, she could go anywhere at any time.

Danny, too, would not fly in until right before the wedding. He could not take off that much time and then go on their honeymoon too. So, Aires compromised with the man she loved. It was much easier on Danny, but harder on me. If no one else besides Mrs. S, Mia, and Aires were there with me that meant that I would do a lot more work on this wedding then I had to if Paris and Danny were able to come early and stay.

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