Chapter 11

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When I awoke Friday morning, I was still sore from our Wednesday night activities. It was not as bad as yesterday when I called in sick to both the team practice and the session I had scheduled. And so I dealt with it today because I knew that Micah wanted me there for his comeback. We did not do anything last night, after confirming with my sisters that it was not the smartest idea.

Now, I found myself at the arena photographing the game day practice while Micah did some interviews. I headed home when the team went out for lunch and I baked away the rest of the day. It was the first time in a long time that I have baked. The holidays were quickly approaching and so I needed to get back in the habit of it.

Micah came home to smell my baking adventures and nabbed one cookie even though it was against his diet regiment. I wagged a finger at him as he ate it anyways. I giggled away.

He came around the counter and wrapped his arms around me and pulled my back flush against his chest. His chin rested on my shoulder. "They are delicious. But you should bring those to the kids at the game because otherwise I will go off my diet. That would be bad considering it is not even Thanksgiving." He kissed my cheek and let go before heading off to his room for a pregame nap.

When my last batch came out of the oven, the kitchen was clean. I had even put some cookies in containers. And it was Micah that I found waiting in the doorway once I had finished.

"Are you done baking?" he tiredly asked. I nodded concerned at how he looked. "Will you come and lie down with me? I can't sleep," I put down my hand towel, double checked that the oven was off, and followed him to his bedroom.

We climbed in and spooned. Soon enough, Micah's breathing evened out and he fell asleep. I never did fall completely asleep, but I did dream. I dreamt about how Micah's comeback game would go. I was rooting for the great comeback, like having a goal or an assist.

We learned that Micah's comeback was huge after all later that night. I had captured a lot of it on camera, but I did miss some opportune moments of other players. It was bad for my job, but I was happy with both the pictures and Micah's game. He had one goal and two assists. It was the best game the Slashers have had since Micah's injury. And they really needed it for the team morale.

After they won, the locker room was a madhouse. It was happy to take some candid's in there, but they were overly excited so I exited the room.

I took off to my office and put away the camera. Micah came knocking shortly after. I had ended up looking through them all and was fascinated by Micah's ability once again. It never ceased to amaze me how graceful he was on the ice.

"Ready to go home, beautiful?" I agreed and turned everything off before taking his hand and heading to the car.

We made love that night to celebrate his comeback. It was too amazing not to. I knew I would regret it in the morning, but I did not care. I was going to get my Micah fill now so that when he leaves Sunday for a road trip, I have plenty to reminisce on.

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