Chapter 13

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"Is this for one of your sisters?" he automatically questioned. I looked at my feet and shook my head. "So it is yours?" I nodded. "When did you think this was a possibility? We could have done this test back in Pennsylvania so it did not feel so dirty at my parents' house," he said softly, standing to rub my arms. It was meant to soothe me, but it was not helping, so I shook him off.

"I did not even think of it as being possible until Paris said something; she noticed my boobs were bigger. She was the one who put two and two together. Obviously, I have not taken the test yet," I told him in reference to the unopened box.

"Do you want me here when you do decide to take it? Either way, I am here for you, babe. You are my one and only, just like I told my mom when I had my concussion. Sure, it probably is not the best timing, but what happens, happens." He promised me before kissing the top of my head. I decided then that now that I heard him say it, I was ready to take the test. I tugged on his hand to follow me into the bathroom.

I was lucky that I had to pee because otherwise I don't think I could have peed on the stick in front of Micah. There was a lot weighing on this and I was nervous. He just kept his eyes on mine and tried to look relaxed, but his facial expressions told me that he was putting on a facade to protect my feelings.

When I was done, I set the test on top of some toilet paper on the vanity. I washed my hands and then went to stand surrounded by Micah's strong arms.

Mentally, I counted each second until the end of five minutes. It was not hard as Micah set a kiss on my head every thirty seconds. But I was nervous to say the least. The stick would reveal my future and Micah's as well. But I was worried the most by the fact that I did not really care which way it ended because it meant that I would really have Micah for forever. He would be mine in a way that no one else could have for as long as we stay together.

When I realized we could not stand here forever, I slowly let go, wiped the tears that had fallen, and turned to pick up the test.

"Am I going to be a dad?" he quietly asked as I stared at the results. Micah was looking at the same thing that I was, but he didn't know the difference between the lines. But I did.

"Yeah, you're going to be a dad," slowly tears started to fall from my eyes and Micah's arms wrapped me up again. I heard the floorboards creak and I turned my head to see Paris at the bathroom door.

"I figured you were up here. Micah, why don't you go help your brothers get wood for the fire before dinner so Syd and I can chat?" Paris suggested and he looked to me quickly before I told him silently that he should go. I was good. He kissed my lips before leaving me alone with my sister.

It was then that I went to look around the bathroom. I was surprised to find that the Stevens' had painted over the old pink walls to make them a dull gray. I would swear that it was the first change in the house since I first met the family.

"So, are you going to tell me or do I have to look for myself?" my sister demanded for me to tell her. She is fairly impatient when it comes to anything.

"It looks like I need to buy a house," I replied cryptically but she figured it out and came to give me a big 'ole hug.

"Out of all of us, you are the most ready for this. I know right now you might not see it, but I do and I think you will be an amazing mother. You were always the closest to mom, too. I think it is quite fitting for you to be doing this step in life first. But boy do I feel left out. My baby sisters are engaged or pregnant and my baby brother is headed off to college in eight months. Than there's little old me, floating along," she slowly drifted off as it hit her that she was alone in that way.

"P, you have a career. You are the only one of us to do that at this point. Sure, Aires and I have jobs, but they aren't careers to last a lifetime. You win there, big sister," I tried to console her and it must have worked because the tears stopped falling as she looked up at me from her seat on the bedside.

"I love you, no matter what. I just wish I lived closer. I'm going to miss so much," she wiped the tears away and headed to the door of the bedroom. "Dinner should be ready by now. Mum's the word, I promise." I felt better now that Paris knew. It was like a weight off of my shoulders. It did not stop me from thinking about what Mr. and Mrs. Stevens' would say though. I don't think anything could stop me from thinking about that. Mrs. Stevens' does not like me as it is, and now there's this. Great. I am glad that I don't have to tell anyone today since it should be about celebrating my sister's engagement, not about my baby. It is not right to ruin their night.

We toasted at dinner in celebration of the engagement, I just pretended to sip champagne and left my chute full.

The night went by without a hitch. By that, I mean that no one else noticed my new body shape. I was eternally grateful because Aires was making a big deal out of being engaged. She actually wanted to start planning the wedding tomorrow because she wanted a spring wedding and did not want to have to wait an entire year. I was not excited to spend my mini-vacation planning a wedding with my sisters. I would have to give Danny a hard time because everyone knew that Aires wanted a spring wedding. Yet he still proposed in the dead of winter, what a moron!

Either way, I slept comfortably in Micah's arms that night. I dreamed very little because I was terribly tired. I was practically dead to the world and it was super nice.

"Sydney, bridezilla needs you to get up!" Paris's voice drifted into my unconscious mind. Slowly, I learned that Micah was no longer in bed and that Paris was ripping blankets off of my body.

"P, knock it off. I need my sleep you know. What time is it?"

"Nine in the morning, but you are lucky I kept her away this long. She woke up at seven thirty and I was the first person she claimed to help her start planning. Drew was pissed that she woke him up too."

"I guess you want a thank you. But I say we go and get Danny for giving us bridezilla at Christmas. What an asshole."

"Wish we could, all of the guys decided to go ice fishing and escape the wrath. Now, get up. Even Mia, the TEENAGER, is awake. You should probably get dressed, too, if you are still in hiding." She told me like the good sister she claims to be. I threw her out and did what she told me to, so I could join the party on the not-so-fun planning.

The best part of the planning was that Aires knew exactly what she wanted, except the date. When I first entered the party, she shoved a calendar in my face and told me to decide between two dates based upon my life. I pulled my phone out and opened my calendar before flipping to April. I looked to see the first option was the last regular season game for Micah.

"The first one is Micah's last game of the season, unless they clinch playoffs. So, as of now, the second works better for us." She smiled and took her calendar back before marking it as her wedding day. April Eighteenth, oh goodie.

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