Chapter 14

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By Christmas Eve, most of the plans had been made for the wedding and booked. I was set to visit New York to get a bridesmaid dress in February, even though I knew it would be difficult to find a dress considering I would have to have it re-fitted come April to fit my expanding baby belly. I would be close to six months by the wedding, not that Aires knew that yet.

We celebrated through dinner and then headed to bed because of all the lost sleep over planning the wedding. My secret, however, was revealed first thing Christmas morning to the rest of the family.

Mrs. Stevens had come to wake Micah and me up when she noticed one of Micah's large hands on my 'flab' - as Paris called it - and needless to say, she kind of flipped out. She threatened to throw me out of their home for being a whore, she thought I purposely got knocked up to forever ensure that I had some of Micah's money.

It all stopped when Micah threatened to leave, with me, and never come back to this house ever again. Boy, did that shut her up quite quick. But it did not stop her from ruining the rest of the day. She was edgy and recoiled.

Opening presents went a little better than breakfast, when she was still really fuming, but not much. My sisters were supportive as were the guys, including Mr. Stevens who was just happy to have a grandchild on the way. He did not voice his opinion until he witnessed Micah breaking down the bathroom door to get me out, though. My Christmas was horrible before it truly got underway.

By lunchtime, I found myself back upstairs in the bathroom with the broken door. I had snuck up here because I was getting uncomfortable around everyone else. I think that they decided to give me some space because a half an hour went by and no one came looking for me. The thought alone made me want to cry harder than I did when Mrs. Stevens was yelling hurtful things at me.

It was mid-afternoon when Micah found me lying on his childhood bed. He didn't say anything, but joined me on the bed silently. He slowly pulled me to his chest and kissed the top of my head.

"Are you okay? It is killing me to see you like this because of something my mom said, I wish I could take her words back for her so that our Christmas was not ruined," he told me and I knew he was telling the truth. It was in his eyes that I was pleasantly staring into.

"I'm better than I was this morning; you won't have to break down any more doors. But I was better when I was pulling my hair out helping Aires with the wedding planning stuff. Oh, and when we get married someday, I want you to take me to the courthouse with just our siblings there, alright? All of this crap with her wedding is nonsense. All I need are the people I care about and that care about me. Hey, do you think your mom would like me better if I told her that?" he chuckled and rubbed my back in a calming manner.

"I think my mom does not matter in the least. It is you and me for forever. No one else besides us and our little family matters now. Have you told Allie, by the way? She is going to flip. Tagger and I will have to go and have beers more often," this time, I let out a soft laugh.

"You do that, just be there when I have this baby, okay? I will be scared and you are the only one who can get me through that."

"I will do my best, but who knows around hockey. Baby, if you can hear me, wait until Daddy's home to come into the world, alright? I love you and your Mommy very much. So, just be nice. Thank you," he said with both hands on my tiny belly. He mostly whispered it into my ear though. I knew then and there that our family was really all that mattered.

"You both are going to make great parents," we looked up to see his mom standing in the doorway.

"That's a change in tune for you to say that. What's wrong?" Micah asked her as his right hand rubbed my back as we sat up together. I still leaned against him, more for backup than anything else.

"It was never about how good of parents you would be. But after a lot of convincing, I know that she is not after any of your money and even if she was, it would not be my problem. But I love my son and I love the Worth girls for loving my boys, and that includes you, Sydney. And I realized that not liking you is going to keep me out of my grandbaby's life. So, what I'm trying to do is apologize and hope we can move on from this. You are family and your love for my son is enough for me to trust you. I hope you can accept this."

"Mom, what you said to Sydney this morning was not called for and it can not be undone with one apology. It was mean and downright awful, especially after I told you the night I kicked you out of the apartment that I was going to marry her one day. Sure, we aren't engaged right now, but I told you she would become family. It is earlier than expected, but that is our life choice. You do not get to come in and expect to be forgiven with one apology. Now, please give us some privacy." She nodded and was about to go downstairs when I spoke up.

"Wait, don't I get a say in this? Wasn't it me to whom she was apologizing?" I asked rhetorically. "I appreciate you supporting me, Micah, but I do have my own voice here. Yes, I agree that one apology does not fix everything. But this one does mean something. So, for now, thank you and I will work on the forgiving part." She accepted that and went to join the rest of her family downstairs.

"I'm proud of you, baby. What do you say we pack up and head home? Tomorrow will still bear gifts," he suggested.

"Can we even get a flight out of here?" I asked because I really did want to go to our cozy and private apartment. I really wanted to sleep.

"We'll find a way, just pack up. We can say goodbyes on the way out," and we slowly began our long journey back to the States.

Once in Pittsburgh, we waited upon the valet for our car and drove home at three in the morning. Micah unloaded the car and I went straight to bed, in his room, and passed out.

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