Chapter 41: Trauma

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^^^Listen to the song if you want-it actually has relation to the chapter. It's cool:)^^^

Song: Beating Heart by Ellie Goulding

2 months later...

It's been two months since the worst day of my life.

A lot has happened since then. It's all been such a blur. Ethan is in a coma. The doctors don't know what's happening with him. They said that they don't think he will make it. I refuse to believe them. He's a fighter. He's a survivor. There is no way he is leaving me. He can't. He won't.

As soon as he slipped into unconsciousness, I passed out. I woke up in the familiar bed I always seem to end up in. The hospital bed. They had to give me stitches and all sorts of blood tests. They said what I went through was traumatic and that I may need therapy when I recover. I told them I'll think about it and the only thing I need is my mate.

Trish is taking care of Ethan and informed me nothing but the truth, which is that he isn't doing well. At all. Trish says that he may never wake up which not only scared the hell out of me but it also surprised me. I didn't realise Christopher did that much damage. But what surprised me the most was being handed a 3 month old baby into my arms.

Trish told me the baby's situation and said that Ethan named her Cassidy. It warms my heart that she's named after Ethan's mother. The fact that Ethan made sure to take care of this baby instantly made me want to. I can't communicate with her the way Ethan can because I'm not a werewolf but she understands what I'm saying so that's what I've been handling with these past two months.

Motherhood. It definitely came way faster than I thought. My birthday was last month and I'm now 19. I wasn't expecting to be a mother so quickly in my life but then again...I wasn't expecting to have such a unique college experience either. I've managed to keep up a routine that helps both Cassidy and I.

I got some of the remaining pack members to move a crib into Ethan's hospital room for Cassidy to sleep in. I stay in a large lounge chair that's beside Ethan's bed so I can be as close to him as possible. The only times I let go of his hand is when Trish forces me to shower or when I have to feed Cassidy.

Although she's a werewolf she still needs the same nutrients as normal babies, which is milk. It took her 3 weeks to finally get the hang of it and now it seems like every minute of everyday she wants some of my breast milk. Although I wasn't actually pregnant with her, my boobs seem bigger and my nipples are constantly sore from Cassidy latching onto them for dear life.

I'm so grateful for Cass because she distracts me in the best way possible. I don't allow anyone in the room other than the doctors. I refuse to talk to anyone. I haven't talked to Sandy and Clara in so long but they understand why.

These two months have given me time to think and I have decided that Aubrey is wrong. About everything. I don't think I did anything wrong or at least not as extreme as she likes to make it seem like. I can't believe she talked to me the way she did and I let her get away with it. I guess it just proves how weak I am. I apologised and now it's time for her to.

Liam has tried multiple times to explain himself or tell me he's sorry but I just tell him to go away and we will speak about it another time. I may be in charge at the moment because I'm the Luna but I don't want to make any extreme decisions yet. I'm not ready for it. Liam betrayed us in the worst way possible. Not only did he betray me as a friend but also I'm his Luna and you are never supposed to betray your leader.

The college is getting under control. The werewolves in the Kirpers pack have all moved into the college and are now attending it. At first I was hesitant to let them in since they were the enemy but they got tested by a real lie detector test and vowed to be honest, loyal and strong for our pack. If they turn against us...they die.

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