A Secret Discovery (Jadesy smut)

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My prompt: Jesy learns something about Jade.

As Little Mix headed of stage Jade had rushed off; not bothering to say where she was going just running off in a random direction. Jesy, Perrie, and Leigh-Anne looked at each other, sharing looks of confusion and worry. Jesy felt the mum, even though she's not, in her jerk alive.

"I'll go look for her. You two get changed alright." Jesy stated, her voice leaving no room for arguments.

"Alright mum." Perrie and Leigh joked, using the name mixers used for Jesy. Jesy fondly rolled her eyes and took off to find the missing Geordie.

As Jesy walked the corridors and passed their dressing room; she heard tiny little pants and groans coming from inside. She paused and listened. The pants and groans were continuous almost. Jesy found herself being hypnotized from the noises from inside the room.

She felt herself blush, and shook herself out of the trance she was put in. Jesy was tempted to knock on the door, and realized that no that wasn't her thing. So she just opened the door hoping that Jade was at least decent.

What Jesy saw wasn't what she expecting. She thought that Jade was shagging someone, but apparently not. Jade was on the couch in the dressing room, her back facing Jesy. From what Jesy could see Jade was laying her forehead against the back of the couch; her legs kinda spread and panting like crazy.

"Jade." Jesy gently spoke hoping not to startle Jade bad. But that was a failure as Jade jerked very violently, and turned around with a very red face.

"Hey Jesy!." Jade squeaked out. Jesy couldn't help but notice that her voice was breathless. And the fact that it rose a few octaves high.

"Everything alright? You just ran off when we got off stage." Jesy asked as worry filled her voice. Jade looked down as guilt consumed her. She didn't mean to worry everyone. It's just she had to get away, or she was gonna jump someone. That someone being Jesy.

Everything about Jesy just called to her. Jesy was just so sexy! She also was one of the kindest soul that Jade has met, and doesn't deserve the hate she gets. Jade was able to handle herself throughout the concert. Until Jesy had grind against her in No More Sad Songs. That was her breaking point. Jade shook herself out of daze, and smiled sheepishly at Jesy.

"I didn't mean to worry you guys. It felt real stuffy in there." Jade lied apology on the tip of her tongue. Jesy just shook her head and smiled. Her trademark Jesy smile. The smile where she scrunches up her nose, and her smile large enough to squint her eyes. Jade's breath left her lungs as Jesy smiled at her. Jade felt the thrumming in her core, and discretely shifted her body.

"It's alright." Jesy laughed out. Her laugh faded out quick when she noticed that Jade's face had a nice blush to it. Jesy let her thoughts wonder. What would Jade's blush look like if it crawled down her neck to the top of her bre-. Jesy stopped herself. What was going on with her? Jesy has never had these thoughts about anyone, much less her band mate.

Jesy looked at Jade trying to focus on her again. To see what the matter was actually. Jade let out a whimper when Jesy's eyes stared right into her own. Jesy's eyes were not their normal green-hazel eyes that changed color. No her eyes were black and lust shone through them. Jade was so entranced in Jesy's eyes that she didn't notice how Jesy tensed up when Jade whimpered.

"Are you okay?" Jesy asked her eyes still containing lust, but worry seeping in too. Jade shook as Jesy stared her down. It's not like she meant to shake, but when the hottest woman in existence was staring her down she honestly couldn't help it. Jesy's eyes widened and she rushed over to Jade. Before Jade knew it Jesy had wrapped her in a hug. Jesy felt Jade lean into her hug almost eagerly.

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