Innocent but oh so sweet (Jadesy fluff)

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My prompt : Jesy slowly falls for Jade, but Jade is too innocent about her affections.

As Jade let out a silent laugh, Jesy just stared at her in wonderment. She excused herself and went to the bathroom. As Jesy sat down the toilet she wondered how all this happened. Jesy always has a crush on Jade, but it's just gotten worse over the years. It all started back in their X-Factor days when she first met Jade. Jesy thought she was a cinnamon bun if a cinnamon bun was a person. Jade was overall shy, but when she was with the three other girls all heck seem to break loose. It seemed the girls brought the best out of Jade, and she was thankful for that.

Jesy always thought that her crush was just admiration, but that was quickly corrected when Jade had comforted her when the cyber bullying had gotten bad. Jade had showed her caring side, and that's when Jesy had realized she was absolutely and royally screwed. Though Jesy couldn't voice her thoughts for two reasons: Jade was straight and Little Mix. She couldn't risk the band at all. So Jesy stayed quiet, and bottled up her love for the young Geordie.

There was some hard days for the Essex woman, and today seemed to be one of those days. Jesy's hard days were always filled with what-ifs. Like what if she told Jade and they started dating. What if she told Jade and Jade hated her for. What if Jesy and Jade dated then broke up. What if it left bad blood between them. What if it broke up the band. What if-

Jesy was brought out of her thoughts when she tasted salt on her lips and tongue. She brought two fingers up, and felt the wetness on her cheeks. Jesy was crying? She felt lost in that moment. Jesy shook herself out of it, and just did what she does best. Bottled up her emotions. Jesy looked up at her reflection in the mirror, and noticed the tears stains on her face. She looked around for any type of makeup. Jesy found the extra different foundation that all the girls had put in the cabinets in case they ran out. Even though today was one of those days it seemed like it brightened up a little bit.

She put on the foundation, and slapped on a most convincing smile she could muster and walked out the door. Jesy had to not let the other girls know that she was feeling blue today. They had to perform a few songs today, so she had to be in her best mood as possible. Hopefully she doesn't break down during one of the songs, or that's really gonna worry the others. As Jesy approached the other girls she smiled gently. She COULD not let the other girls know what was going on inside her head.

"You ready to perform?" Leigh-Anne asked Jesy. "Yup! I'm super excited to perform for our fans!" Jesy cheerily replied. She cringed in her mind as she sounded too happy. Perrie and Jade sent Jesy a questioning look, but didn't comment on it. Jesy just shrugged, and sat down pulling out her phone out of her pocket. She was scrolling through Instagram when she was blew up with notifications. Jesy clicked the next one that popped up, and was immediately taken to a post. The post was an edit of her and Jade, and the post had almost brought tears to her eyes. The post was very well edited, so that wasn't the problem. The problem was it seemed like the universe was rubbing it in her face that she couldn't have what she wanted most.

"You girls ready?" They heard their manager Paul call out to them. Each woman let out a affirmative, and they got up to head out front. Jesy was able to get a look at the song list, and her stomach dropped. The songs went in order as so: Shout Out to My Ex, Move, Only You, Bounce Back, Black Magic, and Secret Love Song. She wasn't worried about Black Magic this time, but Only You and Secret Love Song is what she was worried about. If Jesy could get through Only You she could get through Secret Love Song.

As Little Mix walked out on the tiny makeshift stage the crowd let out loud cheers. They had gotten through almost all the songs, and the crowd was having a blast. It was hard for Jesy to get through singing Only You, but she felt on top of the world when she did. Jesy was preparing herself mentally for her high note in Secret Love Song. Though she wasn't prepared for her to get chocked up on her note, and for tears to run down her face. Jesy covered her mouth, lowered her head, and ran off stage. Perrie, Jade, and Leigh-Anne all shared concerned look, and if they read each other's minds, took off after Jesy. When they finally found Jesy, she was shaking and on the verge of another anxiety attack. They wrapped Jesy in a hug, each taking turns whispering sweet nothings into the Essex woman's ears.

"I can't do it anymore!" Jesy tried to cry out, voice chocking up. "Can't do what anymore sweetie?" Perrie asked soothingly. "But it'll force the band apart!" Jesy sniffled, not crying as much as she was earlier. "What caused you to cry on stage babe?" Jade gently asked. Jesy froze which didn't go unnoticed by the other three. Jade gently grasped Jesy's chin pulling her face up to look at her. Jesy let out a whimper as she looked at Jade; her tears running down her face constantly now. Before she could chicken herself out she pressed her lips to Jade's. Everybody in that moment seemed to freeze. Jesy yanked herself away from Jade and profusely started to apologize. Jade quieten her by gently kissing her on the lips. Jesy froze not believing what was happening, but kissed her back.

"What does this mean Jade?" The Essex woman asked her voice couldn't be more vulnerable and shy. The three women look at her and slightly awed. They've never seen Jesy like this so that means Jade is a special one. "I'm willing to give this a try if you are." The Geordie spoke gesturing between herself and Jesy. Jesy let out a squeak and hugged Jade giving kisses all over her face. "We're so happy for you babes." Leigh said hugging both Jade and Jesy. Perrie let out a giggle and join the hug. This was a moment where Jesy felt the universe played in her favor.

(Author's note)
This actually didn't take me as long as I though it. I decided to do some fluff cause why not. As you know I'm co-partnering with kaethegae . How this co-partnering works is she helps give me ideas, and I write them out.

Word count:1,172

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