Mum is sick (ot4 fluff)

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My prompt: Jesy gets sick and doesn't let the girls know. She faints and the girls take care of her.

Jesy's POV

I woke up with a killer headache, a very upset stomach, and my body felt like it was on fire. I didn't want to get up, but we had a performance to do. By we I mean me and my girls. I tiredly got up, and dragged my feet to the hotel's bathroom. I think the girls had gone out, but I wasn't really sure. I looked up at the clock on the wall and did a double take. It was already 3:30 pm! I rushed to the bathroom, and washed my hair as quickly as possible. I was out in a record of 10 minutes. As I rushed out to grab some things before heading out; I felt my stomach do a nasty flip. I rushed to the sink and felt the bile rising out of my mouth. I threw up for at least a good minute. I heaved some more before leaning away from the sink. I felt myself gag when I saw my own puke in the sink, so I quickly turned on the water. First cold to wash the puke down the sink, then hot water to make sure the germs were killed. If I got the others sick I would feel so awful.

I hurried out the door to the car waiting for me downstairs. I didn't run though because I knew if I ran I'd get sick again, and I do not want that. I finally got out of the hotel, and was met with the blinding flashes of lights made by cameras. Apparently I wasn't quick enough to avoid the paparazzi. I could feel myself getting faint the more the cameras flashed. If I wasn't careful I was gonna get faint, or get sick all over the sidewalk. One or the other. I felt the bile rising in my throat again, and I quickly made a decision. I sped through the crowd of paparazzi, and quickly made it to my car that was waiting. I swung open the door, careful not to hit anyone, and got in quickly. My hands were shaking, and I could feel the sweat rolling off my body.

"Ms. Nelson do you want to be taken to the arena?" The driver asked me. "Yes please. Don't call me Ms. Nelson though. Just call me Jesy." I replied my voice shaking a little. I saw him look in the mirror with on a grin on his face, but it didn't reach his eyes. His eyes told a different story. His eyes held worry. I could understand why though. My face was pale, I had bags under my eyes, and my eyes were bloodshot. I let out a small smile letting him know that he wasn't as slick as he thought he was. The driver was a young man at least in his early 20's. He had a beard going on, but it wasn't too hairy or anything. Dark black hair, and these stormy blue eyes. I bet any girl could fall for him.

"I never asked your name?" I asked politely. The driver let out a soft chuckle. He looked up into the mirror, and briefly met my eyes then looked back on the road. "My name is Blake." Blake said. I grinned at him; he was in for ride with me. "You got a girlfriend Blake?" I asked teasingly. He let out a loud laugh. I felt confused. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked as I reached and patted my face. Blake shook his head in amusement. "Who said I like women?" He asked and I felt shame and embarrassment flood my entire body.

"Oh my! I am so sorry I assumed you were straight!" I apologized profusely. Blake let out a chuckle, but his face grew stormy. "You're one of the few people who actually accepts it." He said darkly. I felt tears prick my eyes. How could a wonderful man like Blake get hate? He was outgoing and cheerful. Blake was like Perrie almost. I felt the tears roll down my face at that thought. I miss my girls. "Hey why you crying for?" Blake asked worriedly. He acted just like Pez. I let out a whimper when I looked through blurry vision, and met Blake's blue eyes. I started sobbing as his blue eyes still reminded me of Pez. His dark hair reminded of Leigh-Anne. His worrying nature, almost like a dad, reminded me of Jade. Blake gently pulled over as I continued to sob.

I heard the car door to my right open, and I found myself in a hug. I gripped Blake's blueish shirt, and just let myself cry. Blake gently rubbed my back, and I felt circles being rubbed. He whispered encouragements into my ear, letting me know that it was fine. My sobs eventually turned into soft cries then hiccups. "T-thank yo-you." I softly hiccuped. Blake reaches up and cupped my cheeks. I softly sighed, and leaned into his hands. "It's alright. You've been through some pretty low points in your life, and never ever should someone go through what you did. You shouldn't have gone through that anyway. It's alright to cry every now and again. We are human. We are not perfect." Blake spoke softly but firmly. I gently let out some hiccuping breaths. He continued, "While we're stopped do you want to see my boyfriend?" I perked up a little which caused Blake to chuckle. He reached into is back pocket, and pulled out an iPhone 11. Blake fiddled with the phone for a few seconds then showed me his phone. "This is Conner." Blake said while a blush covered his cheeks.

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