Tour Bus (OT4 Smut)

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@jerriemixer Prompt: The Little Mix women are getting sexually deprived so they help each other out

Third P.O.V

~~~Flashback start~~~

Jesy's eyebrow rose as Leigh-Anne walked out of her bunk with a huff. That or her outfit which consisted of a lace top and very small shorts.

"What's wrong?" She asked as Leigh flopped onto the couch.

"Andre." Leigh replied as she rolled onto her back.

"What's he doing?" Jade asked as she walked over.

"More like what he's not doing." Leigh huffed. Perrie perked up at this.

"He's not wanting to have phone sex is he?" She asked as she walked over and sat beside her.

"Yes and I'm f*cking horny." Leigh grumbled as she sat up.

"How did you know what was going on Pez?" Jesy asked eyebrow raised again, as she turned to Perrie.

"I know because Alex is doing the same exact thing." Perrie groaned as she leaned against Leigh.

"I'd say I feel sorry for you but one: this is payback for teasing me and Jesy about not getting any and two: I'm feeling the exact same way." Jade laughed.

"Are we all horny?" Jesy curiously asked a smile on her lips.

"I think we are." Leigh giggled as she played with Perrie's fingers. It was silent for a little, but was broken as Leigh cleared her throat.

"Are you girls feeling what I'm feeling?" She asked as a blush covered her cheeks. Nods were given in return. They had all felt it. It had started as a low hum but slowly grew to a deafening roar. It was something forbidden growing behind their ribs where their hearts beat.

Each woman was feeding off the other. Their feelings amplified as they sent out waves of emotion. They would receive the others' emotions and send it back but two times the strength. It was a continuous cycle of sensation that left them light and free, but also dizzy and heated. In that moment they seemed to become one. Sharing mind and body. Sending thoughts and feelings out and getting answers in return.

This cycle caused the feeling in their chests to grow faster and stronger. It filled up their minds and clouded their judgement and reasoning, but this didn't effect the women. They'd deal with that when the time would strike. Each woman breathed heavily as their bodies reacted to this rotation and they could finally identify the feeling. It was desire. Desire for each other.

"F-f*ck." Jade breathlessly spoke as her small body trembled at the waves from the others.

"What's going on with us?" Perrie groaned as she rubbed her thighs together.

"This isn't helping our situation from earlier." Jesy whined as her chest heaved.

"We've got to take care of this." Leigh whimpered as she curled her hands into the couch.

"How?" Jesy groaned as she turned her head to Leigh. Leigh didn't say anything just got up, on shaky legs, and walked to her bunk. The others wondered on what she was going to do. Jade had already started to stand but fell to her knees as she felt a wonderful sensation fill her body.

"Holy s*it." She breathed as Perrie started to whine.

"What are you doing Leigh?" Jesy tried to sound demanding but it came out a breathy moan instead. Two pair of eyes widened at her, and she felt three waves of hot desire hit her. Perrie slowly stood up and watched the other two do the same.

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