jennie - Fight club

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Fighting, that's all I've known for my entire life.

My entire childhood was just hell. I was left in the streets because I guess my parents didn't want me. But, I was thankful for some part. I was found by my new parent. Mr. Kim.

They found me when I was around four. The one thing I mainly remember is being left in a park and I had just played with some other kids. And when they had left tis when I realised I was left alone. A lot of the kids had left for lunch and I was just left there. I realized what was happening by then and I just sat there and I had heard footsteps but I just sat there staring at the ground.

That's when I had heard two voices
"Appa, why is she crying?"
"I don't know baby why don't we go ask her."
I didn't want their pity but I did want help. And I remember vividly a little girl, she had the cutest face, cat like eyes, perfect smile. I felt my heart rate increase, but at that time I didn't know if it was because of everything that was happening or her.

She has tapped my shoulder
"Hey, are you ok?"
"Uhm, I- well, i-its nothing." I saw her pout and glanced at her dad.
"Hey kid, what's your name?"
"Y/n. Y/n l/n." He smiled
"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Why is a beautiful girl like you sitting here alone and crying?"
I hadn't even realised I was crying.

I wiped my tears and stared
"My, my parents left me here." I heard him lightly gasp and felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"I'm sorry, would you like to come home with us?" I looked up at the

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