You make me bad

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summary: Remus is a criminal locked up in an isolation cell; Roman is the sergeant that caught him. Roman discovers just how much their game of cat and mouse messed with him and plots to free Remus and run away with him.

Warning: no prep anal sex / light bondage themes / bad language / daddy kink / size queen Roman

Remus sat in his holding cell. It was quite small and, had a wooden bench for a bed. He sat on the bench seeming as it was the most comfortable surface and kicked his legs as he scraped on the stone wall with his nails.

Roman walked the halls of the prison, to check on a 'favourite' inmate. You could say he and Remus were soulmates of the worst kind. Remus got under sergeant Roman's skin like an annoying pest or germ.

He dismissed the guard watching Remus and waited until she can't see or hear them. "Remus."

Remus looked back from the wall and at the source of the voice, noting it had been his favourite guard Roman.

"Hiya, Ro! Come to see me again, have you?" Remus smiled, slightly crooked, but looked back at the wall to drag his nails across the stone to create an irritating 'screech'

The sergeant watched the criminal through the bars, giving Remus the stink eye. "You'll address me as sergeant or sir, you little shit."

"Nah. I say what I like." Remus grinned, leaning his head back so he could see Roman from upside-down and stuck his tongue at the guard playfully.

Roman huffed and turned around back facing Remus, inches away from the cell bars. His handcuffs hung from his belt.

Remus pushed himself off the bench and skipped over to Roman, reaching his hand through the bars and unhooked the handcuffs from his belt, pulling them back into the cell with him.

Roman exhaled heavily and held his hands behind his back oblivious to Remus' sleight of hand.

Remus fiddled with the cuffs trying to work out how they functioned. Eventually, working it out and simply cuffed both of Roman's hands but the chain that connected them was linked around one of the bars from inside the cell.

"What the hell, Remus! Let go of me!" Roman struggled against the inmates hold, they were both of similar muscle mass, but the surprise was what failed Roman, he struggled pulling against the chain.

"Nah, now I have a good view of your ass. Why would I let you go?" Remus stated with a slight cackle in his voice and pushed his hand out the cell to grip on Roman's clothed ass. "Where did you learn to be a police officer? You're bad at your own job it seems"

Roman gritted his teeth as he was sexually assaulted. He refused to let Remus' words make him question his abilities. Remus wasn't in his peripheral vision, and he couldn't feel the tug on his belt.

Remus grabbed Roman by the hips, pulling him against the bars of the cell so it was easier for him to reach as he hooked his finger on the guard's trousers and pulled them down.

Roman grunted angrily, he couldn't even get to his walky-talky to get back up, then again, he wouldn't want to be found like this, he knew it would look suspicious, what with him taking extra hours to guard Remus by choice.

"Don't be such a baby, Roman." Remus growled, sliding Roman's trousers down to his feet and poked his hole through the fabric of his boxers. He slid his other hand up the shirt of Roman's uniform, trailing his hands along his skin.

Roman's dick gave an involuntary twitch at the surge of adrenaline rushing through him, he was going to get fucked by a psychopath. Even with the unwilled interest his body showed Roman kept fighting.

RemRom (Remus x Roman) smut bookWhere stories live. Discover now