For she bites

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I'm alive. Hoorah.
I know that I haven't  updated in a while and left all of you on a cliff. So I appollogise.
So I added some pizzazz to the chapter. Kinda.
And I punished  myself by hinting to the adding of more characters that I have to write about. Ure welcome.

Also, a special thanks to everyone who comments. They make my day.

Anyway. On with the story.

Shadow creature's POV.

"Judari, go and make sure your troops are ready." The mistress commanded. "Yes, M'ilady." The general bowed low. He then rise swiftly and ran of to the Dark Lady's bidding. "You, Ruton." Lady Night called. I walked forward. "Yes, Mistress." "Are they here?" "Arrived twenty minutes ago." "Good, good. Sharpen your weapons. We march at nightfall tomorrow." I bowed and quickly made haste to the forges.

The Cyclops that fought for us had made forges to create weaponry. We had all sorts of tricks. You'll just have to wait to see them. "Are the spears finished?" I asked. The Cyclops nodded. "We're all done here. Just need to give them to mistress." Culgar, the head of the Cyclops,  pronounced in his cold, barbaric tone.

"A spy." I heard the general spit out. The shadows moved forward to the throne room. I followed. We formed a crescent, the symbol of our mistress. "Lady Night, I present to you a spy. A cloud nymph. She was found around the cages." General Judari announced. "I have eyes general. I can see that she is a nymph. Come foward." The last sentence the mistress directed towards the captive. The nymph didn't move. She just trembled. "I said come forward!" The shadows jumped at the outburst of the Dark Lady. She was usually calm, but I guess the night hides many things.

The cloud nymph quickly walked forward. Lady Night pulled her arm, forcing her forward. The darkness crawled up the nymphs arm. The nymph started to scream, loud agonizing screams. "Stop! Please Stop!" She pleaded. But the night is bitter. The night is cold. So the screams continued until the mistress released the weakened nymph. The cloud collapsed on the dusty floor. "I'm sparing you because you know things now. Know of our location. And we can't have your friends contacting you through the son of Hades, now can we?"

"Lock her up."

Two random shadow creatures came towards the nymph and dragged her to the cell somewhere at the far end of the hallway. "Mistress. They have not surrendered. They want war to be waged." The Aarie spoke? They didn't move their mouths so I'm guessing that somehow they did. "We march tomorrow at the brink of night. We will engulf their fields in darkness. We will shatter all of their hopes and dreams. We will make them live their darkest nightmares." Lady night proclaimed.

The shadow monsters cheered. And cheered. Until she raised her hands. "But tonight, we feast, and take our fill. For it will be the last meal some of you taste." She then clapped twice. Suddenly the doors opened and some shadow creatures entered with an abundance of dishes.


Percy's POV.

I have a really bad feeling.
It's not one of those 'I'm gonna be sick' or 'I'm going to fail this test' feelings. But I do admit I got the latter too many times to count.

No. This feeling is like my blood is boiling, spine is freezing over and I'm being injected with fear a million times over. This feeling is so intense, it's impossible to put in words.

That's how I knew something big was going to happen. It's just a matter of when, it's going to happen eventually.

"Percy. Percy! Camp Halfblood to Perce." Someone called for me, distrupting my thinking.

"Uh, yeah."

"Finally. I've been trying to ask you if the cyclops army. Can they arrive anytime between tonight or tomorrow?" Malcom asked me. "I I'Med Dad this morning and he said that Tyson and the cyclops are on their way. Also Chiron contacted the party ponies but they may be a bit late." Malcom nodded and wrote down everything I relayed to him. "What's the number of weapons?" I asked while getting up from my seat and walking in the direction of the Hermes  camp. Will who was following me answered, "We have eighteen swords, thirty six daggers, nineteen spears, two hundred arrows, twenty bows and forty grenades." I nodded. It was a decent amount,but I dont think I'll be enough. "How many efficient  strategies  has Annabeth come up with?"

"Six strategies, four backups." When we finally arrived at the Hermes cabin we were greeted by Connor. "About the centaur blood sprays?" I nodded. "We've got the recipe down. Their extra potent and one hundred percent fool proof. And since blood is made out of iron, Roy hypothesizes that Hazel may be able to redirect it. But we're unsure if she will have the will to do so."

"Dont underestimate Hazel. If you do, you'll gi down brutally." He nodded in understanding. "Travis also deployed  some troops to setup some more minefields with the help of Clarrise and some other Aries kids." "You've got all of that Malcom?" I asked my blonde haired friend. "Yeah." "Good, we'll be leaving then."

"Oh Percy! Meeting now!" Percilla yelled from the Aphrodite cabin.

"Come on Malcom, let's go."

Time skip to the middle of meeting cuz they'll just be going over all the stuff mentioned in the last chapter (I accidentally wrote last episode :v) and the beginning of Percy's POV.

"The Hephaestus cabin has come up with Greek fire catapults,but we can only make six with our current amount of resources." Leo informed after everyone was done with their reports. "Well, we're  going to have to make use of six, since it's too risky to leave camp." Chiron said. " I have contacted a friend of mine and he said that he will gather a few more superheroes to aid us." Batman added. "Thank you."

"Its the least I could do for you. You are fighting for the entire world when all you should be worrying about is school, crushes and social media." "So, who did you call?" Travis asked. All of the demigods turned their attention to batman, intrigued by the topic."The scarlet speedster." "Who?" "The fastest  man alive." "I'm going to pretend I know who that is."

"So who's he calling?" Katie asked. "Well, he's contacted Green arrow, superwoman and her cousin, superman, and the legends,but their stuck in time somewhere,so they won't be able to make it." "So only four more people are coming?" I asked. "No. All of these people work with teammates. Only superwoman and superman won't be able to come  with their entire team since their from an alternate universe  and travel between dimensions by them themselves." "Wait. So that theory has been confirmed?" Annabeth asked while the rest of us shot confused looks at Batman. He nodded.

"Well whatever the case,you need to tell to your associates  that Lady Night may probably attack when she has an advantage; at night. So they have until then to arrive and get familiar with the battle plans. Additionally, we should have some sources of light on the battle field. And with that, meeting  closed." Chiron stated.

Word count: 1227


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