Get to know me

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So before I start ranting and raving, let me introduce myself. I am a 46 year old single mom, a liberal republican (don't hold that against me), adopted at birth, recovering addict, totally nerdy geek. I live in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. Today I can say that I honestly love my life and myself. For years I couldn't say that, but now I can.

People often ask you if you have regrets and I am always saying "not a one" which usually gets a strange look in return. Which of course makes me think, why would one ask if they didn't want to hear the answer. Each of the things in my life that the people who ask this of me expect me to say are my regrets, have built me into the person I am today. Now don't confuse me, there are plenty of things in my life that I wish I wouldn't have had to endure, but I also realize without those dark periods i my life I couldn't have become the woman I am today.

I am an artist, writer, creator who does not have a filter. I say what I think, many times to my detriment. I am honest, if you ask me "does this make me look fat" and it does I'm not the person you should be asking. I call it as I see it and sometimes my unique perspective can help solve something in a different way. I love cooking, but not a fan of dishes. Don't mind doing laundry, but hate folding it and putting it away. I love the idea of organization but not good with the follow through.

I am a fan girl. I love many different universes, to name a few.
- MCU - marvel cinematic universe
- Doctor Who
- Animal Kingdom
- Sons of Anarchy
- Walking Dead
- Star Wars
- Disney
- Breaking Bad

Just to name a few I love Netflix and other streaming services. Nothing better than binging a show in bed.
I love sports, I found out in high school that if I studied up on my sports facts I could talk to the "boys" and they might notice a hot girl but once she was gone they were right back discussing sports with me.
I was born with a rare bone disease osteoPETrosis it means that my bones break easier, like marble. They are heavy and brittle. This has affected my life in many ways. As a child, I suffered many fractures, starting when I was 6 I broke my 1st hip. I spent a lot of time in elementary school on crutches. I got teased a lot but mostly kept that to myself, not sure why I never told my mom how bad the teasing was. If I endured what I did now, there would have been several of my peers, suspended if not expelled for bullying. It really is puzzling to me now as I sit here writing why I never said anything about a lot of things that went on when I was a child.

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Rants & Ravings of a "Karen"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora