Writing challenge day 1

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Describe my personality Well that is easy, quirky, eccentric, weird, nerdy, dorky, or just plain different

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Describe my personality
Well that is easy, quirky, eccentric, weird, nerdy, dorky, or just plain different. I definitely dance the the beat of my own drum and well my drummer is quite tone deaf. Some might say I am indeed an acquired taste. It's usually you either love me or you hate me there isn't usually much middle ground. I speak my mind. I am not the person you want to take shopping with you unless you truly want an honest answer. "Do these jeans make me look fat?" I will answer you honestly and I'm pretty sure you don't really want to know the answer. I am fun to be around because I can be quite unpredictable but I can also be quite shy. If you catch me being wild and outrageous it's probably because I'm uncomfortable or nervous. At times I can be very quiet and reserved and you won't even know I'm in the room. Often overlooked and forgotten I can be alone in a room of 100's. At other times I can be loud and fun and the center of excitement, no one ever knows what will happen next. The center of attention the belle of the ball. I can be quite crass and nasty but man I got it all. But inside it's all just smoke and mirrors I still don't know myself at all, I put on all these masks to see if one will ever fit, I try and try and try again, and never seem to find one that works that makes me feel all right at home. So I will keep trying to find my perfect fit that Cinderella shoe. And hope one day the shoe will fit and I will have a clue. It s finding myself it seems so easy, a simple starting place but this might have been the hardest challenge to write for me .i might have to revisit this later on to see if I can improve.

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