June 12, 2020

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Rainy days, as children as a whole hated rainy days. They meant that you couldn't go outside and play, to run or climb on the playground. At school it meant indoor recess, which meant paper and crayons, or board games. On weekends it meant sports were cancelled, there were no bike rides, no exploring in the woods, to playing in the yard or if it was warm no trips to the pool. Family outings were cancelled. Then there were kids like me who actually liked a rainy day. At school it meant I could sit and draw or color or read a book. At home it meant I could stay in my room I could stay there for hours, playing school or other pretend games alone, I could read, write, draw color. I didn't feel left out, because I wasn't able to play sports, or do many of the things "normal" kids did.

At a very young age I met something that most children I don't think get to know for a very long time. Utter Fear, fear that I would break, literally. Growing up with a rare bone disease, meant I heard 'no' a lot. I got used to hearing 'let me think about that, you could get fall and break something.'
It's a lot of a kid to handle. Not knowing what could cause you to break a bone, several of my childhood injuries I was just doing things the other kids were doing. It was crazy from a very young age I was told I was different. I was special. I wasn't like everyone else. And it stuck with me.

Years later as an adult, suffering from addiction, one of the first things they tell you is you are NOT different, you are NOT special and you ARE like everyone else. Talk about confusing, I am a literal yin yang. It is a very confusing situation when both things are 100% true. 
I don't really know where I'm going with this, it seems like I'm rambling with no real direction. It's just randomness.

But back to the rainy days another two sided sword many rainy days are bad days for me, my bones hurt, my headaches, and some rainy days my joints hurt so bad I can't even get out of bed. But the flip side is as a single mom I have to get up, but once up I can stay home, I can sit on the couch and write or draw or paint. I can get stuff done. I might not get the laundry or dishes done. But I can take some me time. And that is exactly what I'm doing today. Cuddling with the dog, on the couch, and writing while watching ozark on Netflix.

 Cuddling with the dog, on the couch, and writing while watching ozark on Netflix

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