Writing Challenge Day 7

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Day 7 - favorite movie

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Day 7 - favorite movie

Where to start so many choices currently I would have to say it's probably something in the MCU but I have favorite movies for all occasions and most just remind me of certain times in my life.

So I was forced due to an extreme headache to not write this yesterday and to put it off until today.

At certain parts of my life I have found movies very comforting, much like books as well. I prefer movies that take me out of myself and my life. Which is probably why I love the marvel movies so much right now the struggles within the characters as well as between the characters is such a obvious struggle. Some of these great movies are a big influence in my own personal writing style.

I can't explain why I love the movies I love, and I can't just pick one that is my all time favorite it's like picking your favorite child, you love them all for different reasons.

As a child I spent a lot of time with broken bones and not being able to run and play like the other children. So I spent a lot of time watching movies. Some of the earliest movies I remember watching, Grease, Silver Streak, and The Greatest American Hero. As I grew and VHS became more popular I amassed an amazing collection of Disney movies. I always loved the original Star Wars trilogy, the Superman movies. 
Then as a young adult I really had a thing for and still do for Kevin Smith movies.

Then there are those movies the 80's classics that just warm the heart things like breakfast club and just one of the guys. Also there were some great Goldie Hawn movies that still to this day if I find on TV I will watch, wildcats. Overboard and private Benjamin.

So really what I'm saying is there aren't many movies out there that I can say I don't like. I like things for different reasons.

So this is shorter than I would like but I am just not feeling it and it's  been 3 days since I started it!

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