Writing Challenge Day 9

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Day 9 - write about happiness

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Day 9 - write about happiness

So this has already been a topic that I struggled through. But being happy, is spending time with friends and family. It's feeling comfortable in my own skin, although there are still many times where that just doesn't happen. Have you ever been in a room full of people, yet been utterly alone. Yet other times while alone feel completely at peace and  not even alone.

I am still not completely able to allow myself to be happy. I think that it might be my utter fear of being disappointed or hurt. I have come to the point that I realize this and try to allow myself to be happy. I hope that I'm doing better with that.

I have many things in my life that do make me happy; my girls, music, movies, tv.  My mom always makes me happy. There are places that make me happy. I wish I could say I happier but it's a work in progress.

I read and watch film and tv and see lots of happiness that I get jealous of. I guess it's being brought up around a lot of reading and Disney movies I want that happily ever after.

I know it's super short today
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