Writing Challenge Day 5

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Day 5 - your parents

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Day 5 - your parents

So this could go in several directions, because I have several potential answers to who exactly are my parents.

Are they the person who produced the egg and the sperm that got together and created me? Some would argue that those are my parents and from a purely biological standpoint they would be correct.

But they would be wrong, then you could just completely play a guessing game since I only have a few random facts and I have jumped to my own conclusions from those facts.

Fact 1. Pregnant female shows up in a small town in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia

Fact 2 she takes up residence with a local minister

Fact 3 she had the baby and that baby was placed up for adoption

Fact 4 the paternity of said child was not an issue that was discussed

So based on those facts I jumped to the following conclusions : my mother was probably off taking care of a sick aunt who would ironically be sick for 9 months.

But this is a story for another day because this while this woman did do something very courageous, by gifting me a life. That it is possible she would never have been able to have provided me with.

My parents are the wonderful people who through an amazing set of crazy circumstances ended up with a very special baby girl to call their own. (Although now I'm kinda hating on the name choice and would like to speak with their manager immediately 😜)

Back on track so this amazing couple bring home this beautiful baby and are instantly in love.  Even early on when they found out that their baby had some medical issues they stuck by me. I mean honestly it was an adoption I'm sure there was some sort of defective product return policy. I mean even Daddy Warbucks tried to return Annie.

But they have an amazing marriage, although I know there were some really rough times and I joke and play that I lived in the movie Pleasantville at times but I really can't ever say a bad thing about my parents sure there were times when I was a kid/teen/raging addict where I definitely said and did things that they had no business ever forgiving me for. But they did.

And not only did they raise me, my brother but they took on my oldest daughter. They didn't have to do that. And I will never be able to thank them enough for that. And for letting me be in her life, for telling her the truth and now being amazing grandparents to both my kids.

I hope one day to be as strong as they are, they are lucky because when they were raising us, they had each other.  The other day my mom and I were talking about washing windows and it seems stupid, but housework was and still mostly is my moms stuff in their hone. And well my dad was working but in the early summer mom would want to wash her bedroom and guest room windows. The back of the house where these window are is a full 3 stories; basement completely above ground, first floor then the bedrooms. Dad would be at work and mom would get her bucket and gloves ready usually after lunch. Usually I was around wanting to help, I mean seriously who wouldn't want to hang out of a really high window!!! So she would send us kids off on a bike ride, whether it was to check the mail or just go play. But basically to get us to go away. And I said to her the other day "so dad was at work, us kids were out playing and you were hanging out of a 3 story window" and this was way back before we had a cordless phone I think we only had the one phone in the kitchen and maybe one upstairs at this time. I mean seriously we could have had a huge disaster.

But my parents have been married for 56 years I keep track only because I'm 10 years younger than their marriage.

They are the best people I know and I would do anything including take a bullet for them. They have set the bar for relationships so high that I honestly doubt anyone will ever come close to it for me. And that's ok at least right now it is.
So my parents are awesome they are better people that I can ever think to be! Raising a teen currently is exhausting and they have raised 3 so to them I raise my glass and toast them they deserve it!

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