annabeth's pov

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this one's really short btw (sorry)

"Rachel?" I said into the phone. "Guess what happened last night?"

"Ugh, you decided to quit school?"

I sighed. "No."

"You started working at the nearby McDonalds."

"No," I said once again.

She gasped. "Did you have your 'first time'?"

"Rachel!" I yelled as she laughed on the other side of the line. Even though she was ridiculous and idiotic sometimes, Rachel was my best friend. We had known each other since day one in kindergarten when she asked me to play Sofia The First with her.

"Fine," she said, "tell me."

"My soulmate messaged me," I told her.

"Oh my God, really? What happened? What did he say? Is he funny? Where does he live? Is his writing small or big? Has he-"

"Rachel, that's a lot of questions for one person," I exclaimed.

"Sorry," she responded. "Can you at least tell me where he lives and what he's like?"

"Well, he's got a good sense of humour, and he seems really sweet, but we only spoke for about half an hour," I explained. "And he lives in New York."

"Well, that sucks," Rachel stated.

"I know, but in a couple of days, he's coming here to visit his uncle," I explained. "He's staying for 3 weeks."

"That's great!"

"I know," I said.

"Can I tell everyone else that your soulmate messaged you?" Rachel asked.

I did want to keep this a secret, but our friends; Jason and Piper (who are soulmates), Hazel and Frank (who are also soulmates), Thalia (who was Jason's sister), Grover and Calypso would most probably like to know.

"Sure," I decided.

I got off the phone with Rachel and decided to listen to music because music is my life.

I plug my earphones into my phone and play "Don't Tell Me What To Do" by a new band called Gravity. It consisted of a bunch of around my age, some even younger, who everyone was calling "the next Fall Out Boy" or "Imagine Dragons".

I would be lying to you if I said I didn't know everything about the band members.

Their base player was a guy named Luke Castellan, and he was older than all the other members.

Their lead-guitarist was a guy named Leo Valdez. He was small and impish, but he played that guitar like nothing I've ever heard before.

Then, on the drums, they had a girl named Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano. She was an absolute idol. She, and I quote, "doesn't need a man to be a woman". I idolized her with everything I had.

And finally, the singer; Percy Jackson. He was one of the youngest members, even younger than me, but definitely one of the most talented. His voice was amazing and he could hit high notes like no one's ever done before.

He was extremely good-looking. He had piercing, yet beautiful green eyes, and messy jet black hair. His physique was impeccable.

Honestly, my soulmate seemed amazing, super sweet and awesome, but he'll never measure up to the absolutely astonishing Percy Jackson.

little does she know...

i know it's short, but that just how the cookie crumbles. sorry :(

so, yeah, Percy is a big rockstar just because i really like the concept and wanted to do it SO DAM BADLYY.

i hoped you guys liked it! 3

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