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I think that I'm gonna be taking a break from reading fanfiction and focus more on my writing.

Anyway, here's the epilogue:

3rd person's POV

-One year later-

Percy had decided on surprising Annabeth. Sure, they'd kept in contact over the many months they'd been apart, but it wasn't the same.

The three he'd spent hanging out with her were the best days in his life. He'd felt something so intense for someone before. Especially someone he'd just met. But Annabeth was something else. She was perfect. Smart, witty, funny, sarcastic, you name it, she's got it.

Percy had called her last night, saying he wouldn't be visiting for another three months, but in reality, he had been planning to move to San Francisco since they met up at Simone's for the first time. And now, he's was planning on doing it.

Annabeth had been lying in her bed for days, thinking about visiting her boyfriend, Percy. However, she was afraid it would cause a whole big fuss and he wouldn't like that, so she just waited for him to call her at 3:00 like they did every day.

But he didn't call. In fact, when he did, it was an hour later, and she was fuming.

"You idiot!" she yelled at him through the phone. "Why didn't you call?"

"I had important matters to attend to," he simply stated.

"Important?" she asked. "You said this was more important to you than anything in the world!"

"Calm down, Annie," he said.

"You're right," she answered. "I'm overreacting. But if you ever do that to me again..."

He had the nerve to laugh. "Consider me warned."

After a moment of silence, he asked; "Did you get a new car?"

"Yeah," she said. "Wait. How do you know?"

"A Mercedes, nice," Percy continued. "And it's blue. I love blue."

"Percy, how do you know this stuff?" Annabeth asked, curious and afraid.

"Why don't you find out when the doorbell rings?"

The doorbell then rang, causing Annabeth to jump. She was home alone, so this really scared her.

While walking towards the door, she started speaking into the phone, her temper getting the best of her; "Percy, if this is your idea sick of a prank, I will kill you the next time I see you I swear to God-"

She opened the door.

And there he was.

For a second, everything was perfect. He was here. She was here. They were together. Nothing could ruin this moment.

She brought her lips to his; a soft, but desperate kiss.

"God I missed you," Percy said when they broke apart.

"I missed you too," Annabeth says, her grey eyes meeting his. He had the most beautiful sea-green eyes she'd ever seen.

They stared at each other lovingly, and Percy thought everything was perfect. Well, until Annabeth slapped him.

"Ow!" he complained. "What was the for?"

"Don't you dare ever scare me like that again, do you understand?" she asked, glaring at him.

When he chuckled, her expression eased, but not completely, still waiting for an answer.

"I wanted to surprise you, that's all," he reasoned. "I'm moving here."

"Well, you failed," Annabeth said. "You scared me half to death."

He waited for her to realize what he had said. Finally, her eyes went big and jump up into his arms for a big hug. "You're moving here? To San Fran?"

"Yes, I am," he replied proudly. "And the rest of the band is here too. They agreed to move here for us and Leo and Calypso."

"That's great!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Also, Annabeth," he said, taking on a nervous tone, "I want you to move in with me."

"Oh, Percy, that's so sweet, but I don't know," she said, suddenly a little scared. "We're only 17."

"I'm rich, remember?" he asked. "I can afford it. Easily."

She rolled her eyes. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that?"

"I do know that, actually," he said, causing her to heave a loud sigh.

"I'll tell you what," she started. "If we're still together by the time we're 18, I'll move in with you."

And that's exactly what happened. One year and three months later, Percy and Annabeth had their very own apartment.

Percy graduated high school and continued his career in the music business along with his band members.

Annabeth graduated high school, college, and university. She decided to become an English teacher. All of her students loved her since a) her soulmate was a famous musician, and b) she was the coolest teacher in the school. 

When the couple was 28, Percy proposed to Annabeth, and she gladly accepted, admiring the ring he'd bought. It wasn't some overdone 24k gold ring. It was nice and simple, with a diamond on the top and their initials carved inside. It was a perfect fit. She felt like Cinderella. And she loved it.

The wedding took place on a beach three months later. It was small and reserved. For friends and immediate family only. They all really enjoyed it.

Three years later, they had their first kid, a boy named Charlie, who had Percy's eyes and musical talent, and Annabeth's hair, nose, lips and brain.

"He's beautiful," Percy said the moment he was born.

"He has to be," Annabeth answered. "He is, after all, your son."

Another two years pass before they decide to have a second child. This time, the baby was a beautiful baby girl, named Silena, who had gray eyes, like her mother, with sea-green specks. They were the most beautiful eyes anyone had ever seen. She had dirty blonde hair that became darker in the winter and lighter in the summer, and weirdly, she had her father's feet; too small for her own sake.

The band stops playing when Percy turns thirty-seven, all the members agreeing that their days are over and that it was time to live in peace.

After a while, the couple finally became grandparents to seven beautiful children (three from Charlie, four from Silena).

A couple of years later, Percy was diagnosed with cancer and died three years after that, leaving Annabeth alone.

Annabeth passed away three months later, unable to take the pain of no longer being with her soulmate.

But, see, they found each other in their next life. And the one after that. And the one after that. And in each lifetime, they knew that no matter how much they suffered, and no matter how much they went through, they'd always love each other.

After all, they'd love each other for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do them part.

And even in that case, death can't do them apart.

Because love is an unbreakable bond. A bond beyond words.

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