annabeth's pov

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-12 days later, 30 minutes before the concert-

"Annabeth, calm down," Rachel said.

"How?" I asked. "How am I supposed to get his attention in a crowd this huge?"

"Annabeth, you need to take to a breath," Hazel added. "It's 10:15, the concert doesn't start for another 25 minutes."

"You're right," I agreed, "I should calm down. You're right."

Piper, Thalia, Rachel, Calypso, Hazel and I walked to where our seats were in the front row, right in front of the stage, where the performance was being held. The chairs were small, with enough space in between each row to stand up and dance to the music.

"But what if it's not him?" I asked, my anxiety kicking in once again. "What if I'm just getting my hopes up?"

"Annabeth," Piper said. "Your soulmate said he'd be here for three weeks, just like Percy Jackson and the band."

"And," Thalia added, "he's here on a family thing, just like your soulmate."

"And," said Rachel, "he lives in the same place as your soulmate."

"And," Piper continued, "he keeps telling you about his love for music."

"AND," began Hazel, "he-"

"Okay, okay, I get it!" I said, motioning for them to shut the hell up. They were great friends, don't get me wrong, but sometimes, I wish they had a mute button.

Suddenly I had an idea. "What if I ask for him backstage?"

They smiled.

"That's brilliant." Piper nudged me to talk to the guards standing at the entrance of the door to the backstage.

I obliged and walked up the two guys.

One was blonde with piercing green eyes. Not sea-green like Percy Jackson's, though. More like jade green. His light skin made him look really pale in the darkness of the night. He was maybe 25 but seemed way too mature for his age. His eyes seemed to hold lots of wisdom.

The other guy had auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes. They were almond-shaped, like Calypso's. He had smooth-looking olive skin that complimented his eyes in a weird but delightful way. He was the more attractive of the two, but by the look in his eyes, I could tell he was also goofier. He was probably the same age as his partner.

"The seats are that way," blonde hair said.

"Give her a break, Danny," auburn hair replied, giving his partner a nudge. He turned to face me. "Need help with something?"

"Um yeah," I said. "I need to get backstage."

"Why?" blonde hair - or Danny - asked in a harsh tone. "Do you have a VIP pass?"

"I think Percy Jackson is my soulmate," I whispered, more to myself than anyone else.

They began laughing.

"See, Jeff, I knew she was a bullshitter!" Danny laughed, playfully punching auburn hair's shoulder.

I looked at them confused. "I'm not joking. This isn't funny."

"Yeah, right," Jeff said. "And I'm pregnant."

I gave them a disgusted look as to which Danny replied: "Do you know how many times girls and guys have used that to get backstage?"

"D'you really think it'd work on us?" Jeff asked.

I walked away, frustrated. Well, that isn't gonna work.

"Hey, what happened?" Hazel asked as I sat down to her right side, turning all my friends' attention to me.

"Apparently," I began, "girls and guys always use the 'soulmate' excuse to go backstage."

"So they didn't let you in?" Piper asked two seats away.

"Obviously not," I said. "I wouldn't be here if they did."

"We'll just have to find another way," Thalia suggested.

"I have an idea," Rachel said. "Write something on your forehead, and when he comes out, if he has it on his forehead too, we'll know."

I smiled, and everyone agreed it was a good plan.

"Where's Calypso?" I asked, realizing she wasn't there.

"She fell asleep while you were gone, somehow," Hazel explained. "And we drew a penis on her forehead with a sharpie. It was hilarious. She's at the bathroom trying to wash it out."

"You guys are cruel, you know that?" I asked, remembering all the evil pranks they had done. Even if a lot of them might have been my ideas, they were still the ones to executing them. Although, I had to admit; my ideas were always total fire.

"We know," Piper said, smiling.

"Guys I need help," Calypso said, coming into view. "I seriously can't get this off. My parents are gonna kill me."

"Cal, what do you expect us to do?" I asked.

"Well, I expect them," she started, pointing at the girls, "to give me some sort of magical product to erase this off my skin."

"Yeah, no," Rachel said, laughing a bit.

"This isn't funny!" Calypso yelled.

"It kinda is," Piper said, grinning like a psycho. At this point, everyone, including me, was laughing like crazy. Who wouldn't?

The lights dimmed, and the band entered the stage. We wouldn't be able to see their faces until they finished the small speech that they did at the beginning of each concert.

"So thank you," the voice of Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano finished off.

The lights went on, and everyone automatically laughed at the sight of Leo Valdez, who looked embarrassed as hell. Well, except for my friends and me.

"Calypso, I think we just found your soulmate," Thalia said, stating the obvious.

Leo Valdez looked around the crowd, trying to shield his forehead with a Rachel-level drawn penis on it (which meant it was very detailed). His eyes finally landed on Calypso, and she gave him a small, apologetic smile.

The guitarist looked at the rest of his band, pointing at Calypso.

"Can the girl in the silver and blue dress and the... drawing on her forehead in the front row please come up to the stage?" Percy Jackson asked.

Calypso blushed and walked towards the stage.

Leo smiled. "I never imagined my soulmate being so pretty," he said, making her blush, and the crowd go "awww".

They talked to each other for about 5 minutes, when the band finally decided that the show must go on, even with this discovery.

Right before they had the chance to restart, i realized that no one was laughing about the dick on any of their foreheads. And no one was talking. Thsi is my chance, I thought. So I yelled.


Percy Jackson's face turned towards me in the blink of an eye, and we both stared at each other in shock, and in joy.

wow this one is actually pretty long. the only 'soulmates' finding each other in this story are gonna be caleo and percabeth (so no theyna or thaluke, sorry).

i hope you liked it. :)

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